Hello all, My name is Orlando and I just became the proud owner of a 2010 Prius V with the ATP. Color Blue, Grey interior. Looking foward to being a productive member of the chat board.
Welcome to PC! :welcome: Congrats on your purchase and hope you enjoy your ride as much as we enjoy ours.
Thank You Smartalec89, I'd like to know how the Prius handles in the snow/ice since I'll be commuting 40 miles from home to the Bronx and back. Are there any recommendations as far as the tires? Thanks.... OJR
sweet! i luv the blue! i have the original goodyear integrity all weather tires and drive around boston in the winter, but don't have a 40 mile commute (only 14) and drive carefully in the snow, slush and ice. if you must drive in a lot of snow, etc., search winter tire threads for a lot of good advice and see tirerack.com for test results. all the best! and, coincidentally, i spend part of the winter in orlando!
Well, I finally got the car today, Lots of learning to do, I've never had a car with so much features. But to me they seem easy to learn. As I'm typing this I'm hearing Thunder in the distance, so she's getting her baptism tonight !!! I'll post some pictures soon. OJR
Congrat! I was hesitating between winter grey and white but even if there was more white Touring available ( here in canada the touring come with the 17 inchs ) than winter grey, i took the white............because no more misty grey available with winter grey! I hope you gonna be happy with the car as well as me with my pearl white! I am picking it up today!