Just some hit my car from the front L The dealer fix every thing but after that I noticed that the orange light which is in the upper side of the light wont work , plus when I turn the high light the fog light goes off !!! Please help me
Take it back to the dealer and have them fix it. It sounds like they have a wire crossed or not hooked up.
well i check everything nothing not wired plus the dealer didnt change the light or the wirs its all the same !!!!! is it a fuse problem , i think it is ???
1. Remove the light bulb which illuminates the amber turn signal area of the headlight assembly, and replace it. 2. When you turn on the high beams, the fog lights will turn off automatically. This is the way the light circuit is designed.
Patrick you are the man again i just gor the correct name for this notworking light its the DRL light ,,, after the acced it's not working ( both driver and passenger sides) mean while i didnt change the headlight they are fine !!! do these DRL hace a fuse or realy , so i can check it.
I don't know about the DRL. If this is a separate light (something beyond the headlight nor the fog light) then it probably was added aftermarket, so you'll have to look around and try to figure out its wiring. If you have a multimeter then you can remove the bulb from the socket and see whether you have 12V at the socket. You can also use the ohmmeter function to measure whether the bulb filament has continuity. This will help you to decide whether the problem is with the bulb or with the wiring, switch, fuse etc.
Daylight Running light,, its the orange one which supposed to go on once i turned the left handel, then if i turned again the low beam light go on.. did you know it Patrick, also i checked the pulb,, i was suprized its not a bulb its like a connecter which i saw when i remove ts cabel !!! i will attach a phote for it next time if you didnt know it. thanks a lot
Well, I think you are referring to what I would call the side marker light. This is a very small round bulb located in the amber area of the headlight assembly. In any event, if one bulb does not light up while all other lights are working, chances are the bulb needs to be replaced.
yes i think this another name for it.. but Patrick there is no Lamp on it if you remove the socket cabel u can fin a bulb ?? its only a socket plus the tow sides doesnt work both ,, i think its a fuse or rely issue but i couldnt find where the fuse is ??
The front side marker lights, the taillights, and the license plate lights all receive power via the 10A TAIL fuse. So, if you find that the taillights and license plate lights work, then you know the fuse is good. In that case, remove the front side marker light socket and examine the bulb within. Make sure that the filament is not broken. If you have a multimeter, measure the resistance across the bulb terminals to make sure there is continuity. If the bulb is good, then you would need to investigate the wiring to the headlight assembly. The wiring for the side marker light has brown insulation. You'll need to turn on the light switch, then measure voltage from the brown wire to body ground to see if you have 12V (might be necessary to use a needle to pierce the vinyl insulation.) If you can measure 12V, then there may be something wrong with the headlight assembly so that the 12V power does not get to the side marker bulb. If you don't measure voltage then that would show you there is something wrong with the wiring harness, so you'll have to move "upstream" until you find where voltage is available. Then you'll know that the wiring defect is "downstream" from that point.
Obviously the bulb is missing. I hope that you can buy a couple of replacement bulbs locally (rather than import them from the US.) Look in the owner's manual to determine the bulb model number.
so it's the day running lights, right? and i check the light m], you can put a bulb on that socket cause there is the male part inside the light no bulb shown ,,,