Sorry if this has been discussed before but I tried searching and did not find any information. I slammed on my brakes the other day because a car pulled out in front of me. When i let off the brakes i noticed the car did not move for a good 1-2 seconds and a traction control light was flashing. I didn't think much of it until i was sitting at a light and decided to see what happens if i press my brake pedals in hard again... the traction light turns on again and the car doesn't move when brakes are disengaged for a few seconds. Is this normal? It feels like my hill assist on the BMW. Does anyone have any idea why the traction light turns on? My car is a 2010 Prius III with 5k miles. Thanks, Jeff
haha.. thats pretty cool. thanks for the info... too bad the only hill i go up in houston is my own driveway....
You pushed the brake pedal to the floor. Really not necessary (unless you mean to turn on hill-assist) .... All Gen III cars detect panic braking and will automatically apply maximum braking force for you. Give it a try (on an open road with no one behind you) -- give the pedal a quick jab (and hold) .... the car will come to a very quick stop.
Is that the only way to turn on the hill assist? by pressing hard on the brakes. and does the hill assist stay on after or turns off automatically? Thanks, still learning (1x owner).
To activate push the brake pedal down to the floor until you feel a click. The light flashes on the dash and it is engaged. It will stay on until you push the accelerator or a few seconds. It holds quite well. I have tested it on steep hills and there is no rollback. Helpful if you need to pull out of a tight parking spot on a steep hill and don't want to roll back into the car behind you.