I totally agree with you, but the fuel gauge is not part of the MFD, which is like a small high-intensity LED monitor. The graphic potential on an LED is endless, as shown in the new concept. Color-shifting plays a major role in showing the driver that something is changing within the vitals of the Prius's systems. Although not shown, the SOC or HV BATT gauge could also shift to yellow at one bar. If you want me to add that display, let me know.
Good thing most of you don't design cars as you'd cause nightmares for the rest of us. The bars all look the same from a distance and extremely difficult to glean at a glance. Each gauge needs to be different from each other.
I would include the other half of the MFD in the redesign as speed, efficiency don't exactly look right. It seems like a good first stab at it. There is a great deal of real estate on the dash that is not used. I would like a real gauge, instead of a digital read out for speedometer, engine temperature, tachometer, etc. I would extend the efficiency meter (mpg/km/l.l/km) so that could go past 100 and add a numerical read out. Some gauges should be bigger than others. The temperature gauge should have multiple colored arcs representing temperatures where the car is warmed up, or dangerously overheating. This doesn't need a numerical value but one could be added. Hybrid system battery should show a more linear relationship in terms of charge. The 12V battery, guage or idiot light. Some of the gauges could be hidden or shown through user configuration. efficiency meter should be configurable to add electric equivalents, which would mean it can go negative during regeneration.
The proposed changes would be optional as an addition "tap" from disp button on the steering wheel. The traditional displays would still be available. The trip "B" miles display would be one more tap on the disp button. As per your suggestion to help differentiate functions, the entire gauge would do a color-shift based on conditions. I'm not much on beeps, but in addition to the displays, a soft, slow-paced beep could also bring the driver's attention the cluster if conditions warranted attention. The standard set of warning lights would still come into play. Other changes recently updated are the +ECO+ and -ECO- in the efficiency oval for those drivers who are not color-sighted. Otherwise, the gradual color-shifts from cyan (CHRG) to green (+ECO+), soft yellow (-ECO-) and maroon (PWR) would cue the driver on his/her efficient driving habits.
A good start but needs improvement. Colour is definitely a help when you need to glance at it. For the 12V, a LOW BATT warning is fine. I don't need to know whether the 12V is at 13 or 14V. Bring back the colour-coded HV battery from the Gen 2. that was easy to read. It's harder to read the battery SOC meter at a glance now...
Thanks for the feedback. I don't know what a Gen II's SOC color codes are as Gen III is my first experience. Can you provide them or a shot of how it looked? Was the SOC part of the MFD? I agree that maybe the numbers are confusing to some, but there are a lot of "techies" here who wanted numbers along with graphics. If the new generation MFDs were customizable, perhaps an option could be to "show or hide" numeric values.
As a techie, I could care less about day-to-day 12V battery health, but would like the option to switch to it. Same goes for RPM - it's nearly impossible for the driver to intentionally exceed "red-line" on the ICE unless there's a serious malfunction (MG1 seizes at high speed). EV motors are "always" in use in some form or another. What would be more interesting is charge or discharge, and a meter indicating how much. AMP is one of the gauges I keep on my ScanGauge II to show this. The others are coolant temp, RPM, and the last is a switch between GPH, Throttle pos, or Friction braking effort.
http://john1701a.com/prius/documents/Prius_Mini-Sheet_mini.pdf The SOC was always a part of the MFD until this gen when it was relegated to the small VF MID. Check out the Camry Hybrid or HiHy if you want to see the full colour Energy Monitor or Consumption Screen. I tihnk what Toyota needs is a medium sized TFT screen like the one found on the Fusion Hybrid. This way, it's user customisable.
Agreed - customization could be allowed as long as it didn't eliminate essential information such as the fuel gauge. I did not know the old SOC was color-coded from green to blue to pink. If a bright LED screen were used, similar color schemes could be used for the current SOC or other gauges. Many members have complained about the 12 volt batteries dying early (do a search and you will find them) so a 12 volt battery icon is not a bad gauge to include - especially as a battery ages. One member here thought different shapes could cue drivers in an intuitive way (i.e. temp gauge could be shaped like a thermometer). Thanks for the link - now I wonder if the G3's displays are really better. It looks like the binnacle cluster is aligned in front of the driver on the G2s.
Well like I said, a LOW BATT warning light is enough imo. or a battery symbol with "12v" inside it and "LOW" underneath it works too. pink - 1-2 bars blue - 4-6 green - 7-8 Easy to read. The Gen 2's IP is closer to the centre line of sight. The Gen 3 is a little more to the right (on LHD models). I'm guessing it's to accomodate the HUD which would be directly in front of the driver.
I'd like to see something that shows: Amps going in/from the battery (to help the driver in optimizing breaking regeneration) Inverter temp, hv battery temp (not as big) And a super-advanced-hardcore mode like the japanese canview below: Have you seen the japanese version of the canview? That's probably the information I'd love to see on the next generation MFD. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-modifications/19439-japanese-version-canview.html
Mostly ok, but as said above no need for engine rpm and different shapes needed for different gauges. I don't think there is any need to move the cluster to in front of the driver, as most of the info there doesn't need to be watched constantly. My HUD shows mph, with options to show eco meter and NAV turns if required, which is all I need in front of me. You all should get the HUD IMO.