I decided that I didn't have enough roadway illumination, so to solve this problem I enlisted the help of my future father in law. We came up with this. Hopefully this will help with those people who THINK my highs are on.
see, with bullet connectors and a speed wrench they're off the car in a minute. I frequent county roads and highways with little no light, and a lot of critters. It's not a cosmetic mod. It's a functional mod thats relatively easy to do. Going to get some of the bumper hole covers and drill them out for the mount and the wires so it looks like it's coming right out of the bumper.
That looks great and functional. This is very clever and very reversible. I would add some kind of quick, water proof, locking wire connect. This would be great to quickly add on for long trips and maybe use in winter time. We cover a lot of deer country at night on our vacations. This would help. Real nice job.
Since I'm not very mechanically nor electronically inclined, I'm always impressed when someone just whips up something like this. It's not something I would add onto my Prius but, as you said, it's functional and serves exactly the purpose you were after. Well done!
Also picking up a powder coating kit today. Going to coat these, and my wheels. I wanted to anodize them, but that home kit is a little too much.
Phase 1: Bumper mount Rally Lights Phase 2: Add a roof mount Light Bar. (Solar battery powered of course.) First off road light equipped Prius.:rockon: Gonna need bigger tires!
Where did you find this threaded light mount? Or did you make it? I want two of them to make a light bar for some rally lights for winter driving.
Can I watch you screw the right hand side one in? Looks like it would do the job well but as someone hinted at earlier, not legal here. Must be pairs of lights equidistant from the fore-aft centre-line of the vehicle.