Listen, I'm not bashing Scooters. But I think there is a reality and perceptual difference between Scooters in the US and Scooters in Europe and abroad. I've been lucky enough to have traveled in Europe, and in some areas with small streets and high congestion Scooters are used much more prevalently than in similar areas in the US. Perceptually, I don't know what it is exactly, but it just seems cool to see scooters on european roads and side roads. They seem to belong. Why do they just seem out of place or "Nerdy" in the US? Why is scooting along on a Vespa in Italy so much cooler than heading to 7-11 on a Vespa in the American Suburbs? I live in Oregon. Portland Oregon specifically is a meca for Bicyclists. We have well supported bike lanes and paths and generally Biking is accepted and "cool". But still someone on a scooter in traffic? Is likely to be seen as a total loser geek. Is it the scale...small? Is it the obligatory and probably wise Fred Flintstone "Great Gazoo" helmets that often are worn? I've reached an age where I really don't care much what people think or about image. And I've given thought to the idea of getting a scooter. Even with the limited timeframe in Oregon where the weather is nice, I still think they are useable and economical. But there is just no way to make them cool. In Europe, your scooter is what you jump on to go visit your lover or mistress....In the US a scooter is what Jim Carrey jumps on for laughs in Dumb and Dumber. And I don't know why that is, or why that seems to bother me.
Because Italy is so much cooler than American suburbs. It's not the Vespa. Then why are you asking? That's part of being cool - not caring if people think you are. I happen to think bicycles are cooler than scooters, but that's just me. If you want a scooter, get one. Preferably electric.
If you want a cool scooter, have a look at a Piaggio MP3 (250, 400, or 500cc). These are serious transportation, made by the makers of Vespa. I have had mine for nearly three years now and its still hard to get out of a parking lot without a multitude of questions from the curious. Its acceleration, even my 250, will leave most cars in the dust at a light and it's no slouch on the highway. Now my Prius is my family sedan and the MP3 is my "sports car". And I still get higher mileage on the MP3 - 64 MPG (US) in town or on the highway even when you ride it like you stole it! I tried to add a picture of my "wheels" but cannot figure out how, anyone help? The insert image icon asks for a URL which I don't have.
Because you're not cool In Southern European Countries every kid rides a scooter because their laws are slack and allow it. Not so popular in UK due to stricter laws and compulsory helmet use and insurance. Guess the same reasons apply in the US. Why not start a trend and get yourself a vespa?
Nice to hear from someone that owns one of these. I do think they look like they would be fun. They look like they would be a blast. To everyone else, Yes, I know I sound hypocritical, but I honestly don't think self image would stop me from personally owning a scooter. That's not what I meant. It's not that I don't think scooters are cool, or even care too much what others think, but just that I've observed the difference. I do think there is a different general stigma attached to scooters in The US as opposed to Europe, even though I think with a declining economy and rising gas prices that stigma is changing. Scooters are getting cooler and cooler....
It is part of the same mentality that thinks a 7 passenger SUV is the best choice for a single high school student to drive to school alone. Same mentality that says you need 300+ HP to go 100ft between red lights in bumper to bumper traffic with 25mph average speeds at best. Something that helps is the inherant good fuel economy of a little scooter versus a saloon or coupe even. When petrol is $7/$8 gallon, it makes sense. Also I am not sure but arent scooters exempt from congestion charges in some megatropolises?
I understand in Europe Piaggio has come out with a hybrid MP3 scooter that runs on electric batteries until they are depleted then switches over to gas - the best of both.
If it is just to the local convenience store, nothing beats the geek factor of a Segway. And they make 3rd party off roading gear like studded tires.
Back when I was in really good shape and cycled everywhere, I raced a couple of scooters across town. Two attractive young ladies came up behind me on a hill, and waved as they rolled by. We played tag through traffic for awhile, and then on the first big downhill, I gave it all I had and passed them doing about 80k. They finally caught up to me about four lights later, and gave me a standing ovation for my efforts. That day, both scooters and bicycles were definitely cool.
When I lived in San Jose I rode a moped with a top speed of just over 25 mph to work for a few months. One day after work some jock on a bicycle decided to race, after about 4 blocks he was almost keeping up but obviously fading. At a stoplight he asked me if that was all the faster my moped would go. My response was, "Yup, a good man on a bicycle will outrun me every time."
Perhaps more people need to be informed that scooters are banned from professional motorcycle races for having an unfair advantage in agility. That might help with some with their coolness perception.