Finished installing the FLIR, except for the cabling which is not permanent yet. And the camera mount, not permanent either... but the test shows it works. Wee! Click link for video:
Even if I had a clue on how to do that I'd rather not. I find having the FLIR in the same scan area as where you're driving (and the HUD) is what makes it useable. If you have to remove your eyes from the road to check it, that's bad.
It's illegal in Illinois because crooked politicians show up right red in a FLIR. Makes them too easy to spot and the large numbers of them are distracting.
Looks good... where did you get the hardware? and what was the total cost, if you don't mind. Thanks.
The system is a PathfindIR FLIR. You can buy them at B&H online for instance, the kit is about $3k and includes monitor, mounting hardware as well as cables. I've in the meantime managed to get the cables through the firewall and the camera is mounted better (but still on cable ties until I can manufacture a piece of metal to screw it to). I am using a converted cigarette lighter plug as the power source so the whole system comes on with the ignition switch. I gave up on finding an ignition switched power source in the engine compartment. The only things I bought extra is the cigarette lighter adapter, about 2m (6ft) of small diameter snake conduit to better protect the cabling in the engine compartment going to the camera, plus a bag of good quality, UV proof cable ties... If you're anything like me, the cable tie solution is going to live until one lets go... It works very well for wildlife avoidance, I'm however not sure how well it'll do in an urban environment. I live in the country and haven't driven it in a big city yet. Cheers - Balt
Nevermind whether or not the screen is a distraction -- it looks as though they put the steering wheel on the wrong side! Talk about a safety concern!!!