Is anyone else having any trouble with the EV system? Its suppose to shut down at 25 MPH. Mine on a regular bases shuts down at 10 MPH. Also shuts down when turning corners. Getting the run around with the Toyota Dealer.
See the warming up stages sticky thread in the gen3 forum. 10 mph is the max speed in EV mode unless conditions are met to allow 25 mph. Your results sound normal. The bigger question is why you would want to use EV mode enough to care. The energy you use comes from gasoline. Restoring that energy is wasteful. The car will shut down the ICE under 45 mph without EV mode when the ICE is not needed (once warmup reaches a certain point). Instead, learn to use the HSI to glide, then pulse back to speed using the ICE. See for example: HSI
No. The ECU will control and limit the maximum speed as it sees fit according to battery condition. Like the post above me says... Its normal, don't worry. YOu'll get up to 25mph if the conditions are right.
You are doing better than me. When the engine is below about 68F, which means about 360 mornings per year in my garage, mine won't go into EV at all. Above 68 to an as yet undetermined temperature, it cuts out at 10 mph. Later in the warmup cycle, it gives the cutout warning at 26 mph but can keep the ICE off to a significantly high speed. But I rarely use it.
Go to Youtube and look up the instructional videos on the New Prius. It's a little misleading because EV is coupled with POWER and ECO modes, which on opposite ends of the spectrum are pretty much total and instant gratification modes. While my understanding of EV mode, is that you are mostly simply telling the system you'd like to use electric as much as possible....but it's governed by limitations.... In anycase, sounds like your not getting the run've simply discovered the ugly truth about EV mode....the V stands for vagueness...
Ev mode does the same thing for me. But whats the point in using it. When i drive in non ev mode my car will go from a stop light to 41 mph if i want without buring gas. It can maintain any speed below 42 with out burning gas. The only reason i can see someone wanting to use ev mode is to sneak out at night. Like the others are saying forcing the car to use ev mode only hurts your mpg.
The EV mode was not intended for driving around. It's meant to allow you to move the car short distances (like backing out of the garage into the driveway, or moving from one parking space to another) without the ICE coming on to start the warm-up cycle. You can drive at much higher speeds and distances electric-only by not using EV mode and just observing the HSI.
That kinda what i was saying. But alot of times you can't even use it, so if they really intended it to let you to move your car out of the garage, or short distances it would always let you use the ev mode(if batt conditions allow it) but it doesn't work that way. So i have no idea what they really intended. I would have not included the button in the car if i had that power. To many people get upset when they can't drive around in ev mode(i understand why but most don't).