Is this what inspired the term Islamofascism? Interesting quote by [ame=""]Carl Jung[/ame] I think I know where they got the idea of yellow badges.
Why are you relying on a interview with Matt Lauer of Freaking Rudi G, for information on this man? Why don't you do yourself (and the rest of us as well) and listen to the COMPLETE, IN CONTEXT interview that the Imam did after 9/11 and decide for yourself! If you listen to what he said IN FACT, and to what "W" said a few months later regarding overcoming the problem, it is virtually identical! It is people like you who can't think for themselves, who can only conclude what others have told them to conclude that are the problem with this issue, and indeed with this country as a whole! Let's not let the facts get in the way here!
Don't let facts get in the way? hmmm, OK, so is it correct that 20% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim? And does it matter either way? And why is this story news? Obama not worried by Muslim rumours - AOL News
but what if the group really does have bad intentions? does that make you prejudice and correct? i think i can safely assume that the KKK has bad intentions. does that make me prejudiced? and if so, is that a bad thing if I'm right and the KKK has bad intentions?
Really? Where did you get your information? NPR. Did they send in a reporter and live with the group for a year? How far back did they research... 1 year, 5 years, 25 years, century? How long did the 9/11 hijackers live among us, as one of us? I am not saying your statement is incorrect, but we need a little more that three words.
The imam has been working in NYC for some 20+ years. Since one cannot prove a negative, what do you propose as the threshold for when you would be satisfied that there is no bad intent?
and the award for hypocrisy goes to...... for someone who likes to call out people against the mosque (or whatever the hell it is) for lumping all muslims together, you sir have not taken your own advice. you have just stereotyped any person not happy about this as bigots. can someone tell me when we got to the point where people couldn't disagree anymore? now it's all about attacking the opposition. we used to have civilized debates in this country. i encourage you all to look back over this post at the name-calling and downright degradation of people.
What is the civilized debate? You have groups of anti-Islam protestors protesting about a community center run by long time peaceful muslims, in a blighted area not really that close to Ground Zero, totally ignoring the fact that the sect has never been connected to terrorism. Then on top of that, these same protesters, including most of the country, are protesting it on religious grounds, they don't want muslims close to ground zero, also ignoring the fact that many muslims died in those towers also. Seems pretty bigoted to me also.
It was Pamela Geller who pushed this issue to the forefront (before her blog postings, you had people like O'Reilly and Laura Ingram praising the Imam and the proposed center). Ms. Geller has written a book titled "The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America", and, from Wikipedia: "Controversial postings on "Atlas Shrugs" [Geller's blog] have included a number of false claims,including that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan (who is Jewish) supports Nazi ideology, a video suggesting that Muslims have sex with goats, a doctored photo showing Obama urinating on an American flag and false claims that Obama's mother was involved in pornography and that Obama "was involved with a crack whore in his youth".Geller has also used her site to accuse President Obama of anti-Semitism and doing the bidding of "Islamic overlords," while posting an essay suggesting, without any evidence, that the President is the "love child" of "Malcolm X". So yeah, there's the "civilized debate"...
Again, I don't have feelings either way on the center/mosque being built. If it was in my city, I would look more deeply into it I am sure. But as it is, I couldn't be further from the site. That being said, I believe the fine citizens of NYC have every right vetting out situation without be criticized as being bigots. I am confident they will make the right decision.
Name one reason NOT to build a cultural center where a Burlington Coat Factory a few blocks from Ground Zero was that has nothing to do bigotry.
i'm not debating the issue so much as i'm saying stop all the personal attacks and name-calling for people who don't agree with you. this concept of "agree with me or you're a bigot" is way out of line. and you know, it doesn't really matter how many links you provide, or how loudly you scream your point of view. People will be on both sides of this issue and it doesn't mean one side is bad or wrong or stupid, or anything else.
Well, since every rationale so far advanced in opposition to the center has been one of bigotry, the stereotype appears valid. The only non-bigoted rationales for opposition I can imagine would be violations of building code. But that issue hasn't been raised by anyone, and even if it did become an issue, the issue wouldn't be a prohibition against the center but simply one of assuring that its construction comply with code. Also, as a religious center none of its funding should have any government source, but, again, that hasn't been an issue. What does that leave? Who's going to use it and where it's built. Only a bigot would oppose construction of a community center on the basis of who would use it or where it was built.
The citizens of NYC, generally, aren't the ones who are making the noise, and they've already made their decision. The relevant community board approved the project (in an advisory capacity only), as did the historic preservation committee. But nice dodge.