Today I traded in my '04 Prius with 160,000 miles for a new '10 model IV. I'm still trying to get used to the changes, but overall, the ride seems steadier and quieter. Looking forward to many trouble-free miles. David
keep us informed of your thoughts and experiences. i too am thinking about moving to a 10 when the 11's come out. all the best!:rockon:
We were a little concerned when we purchase our Prius in May 2009 due to this being a brand new model over the previous generation of Priuses. Sometimes first model years do have their quirks and problems. But my wife really liked the style over the previous generation Prius. But with now over 33,000 miles we are quite pleased. No problems with the car except for a nationwide brake recall software update. My wife mainly drives the Prius, as our other car is a 2003 Jetta TDI Wagon with a 5-speed manual. She has difficulty driving the manual so, she always drives the Prius. No problems with it as of yet. MPG varies, low to mid 50's MPG during the summer and the low to high 40's during the winter. The lowest mpg we received is 40.61 (calculated / true MPG) during a cold snap with temps in the teens, with several minutes of every day with her warmng up the car before she went to school to drop off our son and go to work. This is real world driving no hypermiling, and my wife does not alway drive to get the best MPG, along with Oregon with mandatory 10% Ethanol in gasoline all year long. Alfon
Curious, how do you like your TDI Jetta? In comparison to Prius Ownership? When I was looking at vehicles, I went to the local auto show and actually thought the fit and finish of the Volkswagen TDI's very impressive. The problem at the time was mostly availability. The VW representitive at the auto show actually seemed very unmotivated to even investigate the reality of selling me one, and admitted at the time that obtaining one would probably be a No Discount...premium added endeavour, involving a long wait and a multi-state I just did not really consider getting one. But my online research in regards to the Jetta TDI was impressive.
I have over 133,000 miles on the Jetta. Mine is a 2003 Jetta Wagon GL (base model) with 5-speed manual transmission with Direct Injection turbocharged 4 cylinder Diese engine. When I bought mine,Oct 2002, list price was 20,000. I got it for 19,000 brand new right off the lot. Of course than gas prices were not out of sight and diesels cars were not in the limelight. As far as fit and finish mine was made in Germany, where the regular sedan model were made in Mexico. I tend to believe that the German models were pehaps finished and assembled to a higher standard as the VW was born in Germany and many of the employees have been working there for decades on the assembly line. Recently I was checking and found the current prices for a TDI Jetta Wagon (now Sportwagen) starting at $26,000 and up, WOW. I am glad I bought mine when I did. The only problems, I did replace the alternator, pully broke, never seen anything like that before, and had the timing belt replaced as the alternator broke at about 100,000 miles. Note: all new TDI's have metal timing chains and no 100,000 mile timiing belt change intervals which is a big Plus. The second problem; after the alternator and timing belt was replaced the plastic air intake into the turbo housing was cracked and had to be replaced. But I believe when the alternator was replaced with the timing belt the mechanic partially cracked the housing and eventually it cracked to the point of air turbo pressure drop. However I can't prove it but my heart tells me that is what happened. MPG average over 133,000 miles a true 52-55 MPG's, better than the EPA. Alfon