I recently went "green" and bought a Prius V. I was expecting an econobox and was quite suprised to find the car comfortable and peppy. While I enjoy the extraordinary mpg this car presents, I am not a hypermiler by any means. I drive it like I have driven all my previous cars. I run about 75mph on the interstate and 3 to 4 over everywhere else. I have noticed that in this car, whoever is behind me is going to pass me! In the city, out in the country, or on the interstate, they are going to pass me even if their engines are straining to the max as they go by. There must be a phobia about being behind a Prius or something. Doesn't bother me, just an observation.
I noticed this too...just get used to it...people are strange, they see a Prius and feel like they MUST PASS AT ALL COSTS. very weird IMO
hahaha.....yep, when I was 18, 19, 20 YES....then I grew up. I don't need to go 85 mph to get to work or go home, I'm never in that much of a rush.
Loosing to (or just simply following behind) a ECO maniac is a huge slap in the face for EGO maniacs On another note, 75 mpg is quite the norm but not the fastest on the interstates, so don't be surprised to be passed all the time. Here in Canada the freeways are having 100 km/h (62 mph) limits but the norm is 120 km/h (75 mph). This becomes the de facto speed limit and even the cops won't bother you. Yet a lot of cars go a few mph above this just to get ahead of everybody else. Of course a few nut cases go 90+ mph no matter how many tickets they'd got in the past; and a few go 60mph in the left lane too! An old Chinese saying: "Same kind of rice feeds all kinds of people". Just drive your Prius normally and ignore those passers. You'll be passed all the time in any other car, not just the Prius.
I could care less if they pass me, it's when they pull back in front of me and slow down that's irritating.
oh my.. i thought this was just me. I got my new prius this week and it does seem that everyone is riding my nice person even though my speeds are sufficent. I'm glad its not just me.
I like it when I pass people in my Prius at a good clip and they then feel the need to speed up and pass me ... Too funny
That's funny, I'm the one passing all other cars as I tend to drive around other cars on the 110 parking lot. However, if you're going 75 mph (pretty normal in SoCal), there will always be people going faster than you regardless of the car you're driving.
As is apparent by all the replies, many people have noticed this. I can sometimes play this to my advantage. For example, if I'm pinned in the left lane but know that I have an exit coming up on the right, I will accelerate a bit knowing that the car to my right will likewise accelerate. Then I slow, shift right and exit. People, though funny, are usually pretty predictable.
I'm telling you, we need to have a psychology of traffic conversation on WDU. Between waiting till the last minute to merge, "me first" mentality for passing or cutting right at lights w/ merges right after, avoiding being passed, boxing in, etc.
"Re: I'm Gonna Get Passed" Not all the time. I'm very happy with the power that the Gen. III has and getting on the freeway blows some passers minds that they can't. Zoom-Zoom
I've had my Prius for a couple of months now and I've pretty much noticed that NO ONE obeys speed limits. I never noticed it with my Honda Accord. I can be going 47 in a 40 and people behind me still get upset and pass me. I could understand if I was going slower than the limit, but a little faster? Come on! Actually, where I'm having a little fun is hitting the PWR button and racing off and leaving them in my dust. I just sometimes want them to watch me drive away and say, "Wait! I thought that was a Prius!" Silly misconceptions.
Sometimes just for fun, if I am at a stop light next to a Mustang, BMW, ETC and I get that look, you know, the look that says "look at the tree hugging freak and his wimpy Prius" I put it power mode and floor it when the light changes and blow thier doors off to the next light. Granted, I know they are more powerful then me but the element of suprize seems to always be in my favor. You see, most do not expect the Prius to be as peppy as it is so it is funning to me to hear their engines rev up trying to catch back up to me at the next light. The suprized look I sometimes get after that is priceless.
I guess I'm one of those weirdos who actually abides by traffic laws, I get passed regardless of what car I'm driving!
In drag racing reaction time makes a huge difference. This is especially important over short distances like 1/8th mile vs. 1/4mile. So from light to light, which is usually 1/8th mile or less, a fast reaction time can allow you to beat a car that is generally much faster. This is why you see new Corvettes running 13sec 1/4mile times and getting beat by much slower cars. They cut bad lights, spin the tires and net high 60' times and then botch their shifts. Some people just don't know how to drive or race. lol