We have about 2700 miles on our Prius V and discovered our first defect! We took some friends on a 75 mi trip to Chico, CA and discovered that the left rear door does not open using the inside handle. It opens fine from the outside. You can tell we don't use the passenger seats often! I think I will wait till the 5000 mile service to have the dealer fix the door. I hate to have the door opened up, usually things are never the same. Has anyone else seen this problem?
Most likely you have the child lock turned on. It keeps children from opening the rear doors from the inside. Open the door and look at the back inside lip for the switch. Tom
Thanks Tom. You nailed it! The switch is not obvious till you know were to look. I guess that means I am still defect free...
You obviously do not understand how to deal with perceived defects. You must post a long screed demanding that everyone agree with you that the car is the equivalent of an IED waiting to kill everyone within range and refuse to consider any advice or opinions of others.
But before doing that - contact NHSTA to start a Recall campaign going...I mean it's a Toyota, so it has to be a serious defect. Good quick accurate rsp to the OP, folks....and a good comeback Joe.
So Mr. Sikes...have you tried releasing the child lock? The Door Won't Open! Help Me! The Child Lock? Have you tried that? I can't open the door from the inside! I'm trapped! Send Help..... Mr. Sikes..have you tried any of the other doors? I'm afraid to...it might let the remaining air in the cabin out.... Anyway...glad you are defect free...and it could be worse.
This question is a lot more common the the one a few weeks ago when someone could not find the Hazard Button on the dash.
Nice going there Judgeless! You really know how to put someone down.. The child lock switch (which doesn't look much like a switch) is buried on the closed edge of the door. We don't have small children so reading those kinds of features was not high on my priority list. But that's ok, you had a nice laugh at my expense...
Are these childlocks something relatively new in the US? Over in Europe we've had them on all cars for decades now. Every single car I've bought in that time has had the things set in the locked position at the factory (or by the dealer). Lacking sprogs, the first thing I do is turn them off, they're more of a hindrance than a help as far as I'm concerned.
No they are not new, but rarely if ever are they set by the dealers around here. When you are taking usually 2 people on a testdrive with 1 salesperson, I dont think they would appreciate being trapped!
It’s ironic, kids are the ones that normally flip the switch and the adult’s usually take the car to the dealer to find out what is wrong. They should be called adultlocks.
For all we know, someone was playing w/ the switch during the test drive process, and it was never discovered until 2k miles.