Oh the drama. Good grief, this is simply a question of the location of the mosque/center not that it is one. There are mosques going up all other this country. Give it a rest.
Why should I accept stupid people? Location, a small out of the way street two blocks from a hole in the ground? If this was America of WWII, we would have rebuilt those towers, bigger, badder and stronger, instead 10 years later, there is still holes in the ground, there is nothing really sacred about holes for no reason, the 9/11 people who died would have wanted them replaced to prove nothing puts us down. This entire thing is because we surrendered to a bunch of extremists and let them win, and then we take it out on Americans who believe in their peaceful form of their religion, one of the hundreds of religions in this country. The drama is all the fakers in this country that pretend they care, pretend they are the only ones that lost lives, that pretend an out of the way street of derelict buildings somehow mean something, and that have decided that they get to decide what religion they will accept.
before this gets too confusing (perhaps i'm too late) i think we al agree they have a right to build anywhere laws and codes allow. anyone have a problem with that?
If you read the previous 225 posts you will find a few who seem to have a problem with that. Like I said a couple of hundred posts again, this is right wing BS, even starting with the title! It aint ground zero even for crying out loud. That said, I don't recommend reading the previous ~225 post however, unless you are really bored!
i could be wrong, but i think we are all misunderstanding each other. is there anyone here who thinks government should prohibit them from building anywhere legally allowed?
Just because Republicans have to march lock-step with each other in every opinion doesn't mean Democrats do. But what I want to know is: the people who are so "We must honor the memory of 9/11 by not having anything remotely Muslim anywhere near it," why are they using Arabic numerals?
Or perhaps the core of this issue is not political (e.g. right-winged influenced as someone pointed out)?
Let's not whitewash history. The "America of WWII" also racially profiled on a massive basis. I am of course referring to the internment camps (which some people called for a return of after 9/11). And as for the whole 'mosques are recruitment centers' "concern", that seems irrelevant to the location. If a mosque is going to seek to actively recruit terrorists, do you really think their effectiveness will be significantly affected by moving a couple more blocks north? (And people ARE protesting mosques all over the country, not just this one: Anti-Islamic Rhetoric On The Rise: Is Free Speech Taking Aim At Religious Freedom? : NPR) Coincidence? You decide.. The Associated Press: Tree behind Anne Frank House falls over
Imam behind controversial New York Islamic center speaks - CNN.com The imam behind the controversial mosque and Islamic center near New York City's ground zero said Sunday that he hopes the project will develop "an Islamic approach that allows for harmony and understanding among all religions and other ideas."
The people protesting this center are bigoted hypocrites. For years we have heard people asking "where are the moderate Moslems? " Where here they are, and then we kick them in the balls!
in an interview with matt lauer, rudy giolianni said that while this imam has been an advisor to obama and bush, he supports hamas and said america was partly to blame for 9/11. not sure how moderate he is?
The 9/11 commission came to a similar conclusion, those radicals. This is also known by the term "blowback".
OK, it's time to play PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS! Yaaay! The rules are simple: If you're strongly against the Burlington Coat Factory Cultural Center, you should boycott those folks giving it money. That's it. OK, now let's start. First, we have to find out who is funding it. Why, it's Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal! Now, let's boycott whoever gives him money! And who would that be? Why look, it's his investments in News Corp! And what does News Corp do to get money? Why, it owns Fox News! In other words, by watching Fox News and supporting their sponsors, you are helping fund the Burlington Coat Factory Cultural Center! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Which means if you're strongly against it, then you should boycott Fox News and their sponsors!
Wouldn't that implicate us all as I am sure Al-Waleed derives a majority his riches from oil? Boy that is really a stretch. But what would you expect from an entertainer?
I say go ahead and let them build a cultural center, a mosque, whatever. BUT,.... Lets be patriotic and welcome them to the neighborhood by building a nice Gentleman's Exotic Dance Club and a male strip club like Chippendales across the street. On either side of the cultural center lets have a nice up-scale liquor store, and a Gay bar, flanked by a massage parlor and an adult book and toy store. We should have periodic marches on the street by the Go Topless organization and the Gay pride people. This is America. And they should accept our happy way of life.