remember the london bombings? the links for the terrorests are on the right [ame=""]7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] recruitment [ame=""]Mohammad Sidique Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] what is HYAP? [ame=""]Hamara Youth Access Point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] [ame][/ame] Jihadis Publish Online Recruitment Manual -51-page recruitment manual[/URL][/URL][/URL] so they naturally go to the places where they have chances of finding their own kind. then they go to the mid-east for training in this case, Pakistan.
Nobody ever said the 9/11 hijackers weren't Muslim. And of course Muslims go to mosques. However, this may come as a shock to you since I'm sure nobody ever told you this before but, hard as it is to believe: Not all Muslims are terrorists. Yes! It's true!
i never said all muslims were terrorists. read my earlier post above terrosts use mosques and islamic cultural centers to recruit. it is a fact. they have been changing tactics over time by using the internet.
Well said. And now that we have come full circle in this discussion the US just needs to be vigilant that these mosques/centers that seem to be popping up all over the place are not used for such endeavors. Now to this one in particular... is the spot necessarily the right spot? I hope those that are currently meeting about the subject will come to good solution.
Sorry, but my Karma just ran over your dogma! I am a dyslexic , agnostic, insomniac. I lie away at night wondering if there is a dog. Probably a more useful endeavor than trying to argue theology with these folks!
the facts above are out there on the internet. i didn't make them up. search around for yourselves. btw do you like Iran's new "defensive" weapon? well...wait. it flies almost to Israel and drops bombs. how can Mahmoud Ahmadinejad say it's defensive since it's clearly offensive.
Really is too bad Icky, walking around with the entire weight of the world on your shoulders has got to tiring. I know, I use to do it too. Praying for you.
what about this greek church then, i'd like to read more 'facts' about this. do we need a new thread?
I think so. What I read is that the only church damaged during 9/11 was set to rebuilt very close to its original site with the blessing and possibly funds from the Port Authority but the deal has since been pulled off the table. No reason given.
The "no given reason" is another Faux News lie. They gave a reason: they're going to build a 9/11 memorial on that site, and offered the church different locations which they turned down. Just like with the Burlington Coat Factory Cultural Center, this is much ado about nothing.
Yes, I'm familiar with Stormfront. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true (for example, a bunch of wackos - no really, google this if you don't believe me - actually think some radical muslims want to build a mosque at ground zero!).
We all have to admire the use of "they" in here. This post is not generalizing about all Muslims. This post is citing facts and then generalizing about all Muslims based on those facts. Hey, if all Catholic priests were kept away from children, THEY would not have the opportunity to molest them. Exactly the same reasoning and just as odious. All villages must have their idiots. I just wish the ones here were not so idiotically intolerant about the religion of 1.2 billion human beings.
Short version. The Greek Orthodox Church site is right at the ground zero site and there are complications working it's design into the yet to be finalized underground vehicle security system. Plan to rebuild Greek Orthodox church at ground zero remains puzzle to R.I., N.Y. clergy | Rhode Island news | | The Providence Journal
i attend catholic church, but i would never have left my children alone with a priest, nun, teacher, policeman, fireman, politician, etc. there are wacko's everywhere and parents have to be careful and unfortunately, mistrusting.
if you actually read the post you would have known i was talking about the terrorist. that all the citings in that post are how the terrorists use the community centers and mosques to recruit. it is fact. where are they suppose to go? Mcdonalds drive thru? "yes, i will have 3 men with bomb belts and 1 with a gun" go read before you call others names
sources are cited in the in the links. of course you don't believe that also. it must be a worldwide conspiracy. nobody is actually killing people with bombs.:mmph: like i said, look around for yourself
OK, OK, I get you. You hate America. Well, I just happen to *LIKE* the United States of America, so I will fully support the first Amendment, even if it's for people who there are a small number of bad people in that group. That's right, I support the building of Churches even though by your logic, every single Christian is a child molester.
and you must hate dogs because you only have a cat as your avitar why do you hate dogs so much? why are you so cruel to them?
The sect in charge of the islamic cultural center believes in a peaceful religion with no terroristic belief, if Sunni's and Shiites changed to that form of religion, the world would be a better place. Yet, Americans hatting Americans because of their religion seems to be the call of the land, can't get much dumber then that, lets show the world we are truly the enemy of Islam, because we don't want no Americans in that religion. The one thing I'm completely positive of, is that America has surrendered to terrorists and Osama Bin Laden, this is not the America of WWII, the America that fights back, the strong America, the America of no fear. America has allowed an extremist religious group to not only win by destroying the economy, but to take out values this country holds dear, if that doesn't bother anyone, it should.