The one thing I noticed is the spoiler on all of the Prius is black......So to me the all black looked really sharp
when i bought a miata in 91, it was red, white or blue. everyone had a red, i didn't like that particular blue, so i went with white. but for the ten years i owned it, i kept thinking, take it in for a professional paint job.
Blue rules. I wanted a red car thus time, but the 2010 Prius red is just the wrong red (fire truck red), plus it will look faded much faster than other colors regardless of how much effort you make to keep it up.
black and winter gray look great......for about 10 minutes after each washing. White looks as good or better and stays clean looking longer. Plus it may help your MPG in hot summer climates.
My first Prius was Salsa Red and this one is the light silver.....the solar roof looks great with the white, silver colors. All black is never clean and gets super hot in a hot climate. My Salsa showed dirt very nicely. I love the blue Toyota has.... so many choices!! Had a bright aqua Hyundai once....real piece of crap car but I could find it in any parking lot
Not all white cars are the same. I really, really wanted a white car and so a month ago when we decided to buy a Prius, we located a dealer who had a Blizzard Pearl in stock. But when we went to look at it, we realized that the Prius has so much black trim (rear windows, etc) that it really looked like a black and white car. In the end we chose the Winter Grey because the black trim blended in best and I thought that the Winter Grey made the body of the car stand out best. Interestingly enough, it was seeing a Winter Grey Prius in a parking lot that made me even start thinking about getting a new car. Not all cars can pull off all the colors they come in. It's a bit like clothing - a sweater may come in different colors but some designs are just suited to certain colors and not to others
What do you mean, black and white don't look good? Black doesn't go well with white? Black shouldn't be mixed with white? Now that's racist talk! Yes, yes I'm just kidding. But it's the dark windows and roof and spoiler combined with the Pearl white body (and don't forget the black tires) that made me fall in love with an intellegent machine! It's this colour (or should I say, lack of colour) combination that made me spend $1000's more than the base model cause the dealer only had the Tech Package in this colour. I don't even like, and I've never used a few of the Tech stuff, like parking assist, XM radio, etc.
Winter Gray is very elegant looking and resists showing dirt and scratches to the same degree as black. White looks great on the Prius but I've owned too many white cars already
Go red! On the lot, the red was definitely more attention-grabbing than the white, which seemed blander. (Not to diss the Blizzard Pearls out there--they're pretty cars--just didn't do it for me.) I question those who have said that the red will require more maintenance. It's generally known (or thought to be the case) that white (and black) cars show dirt most easily and are harder to keep clean. To those who have made this claim, is there something special about this particular white? I'm skeptical but willing to be convinced. I get the association of red with sports cars, but I certainly don't think that you have to have a sports car to go red. Red just makes a bolder statement, IMO.
We liked the pearl white the best , the color of our last Avalon. - and a retired cop told me that cops don't notice white cars as much since there are so many of them on the road. He bought a new white GM pickup. They sure do notice our Prius tho, with all the bad publicity this past year. One trooper even pulled up next to me on the inside lane and gave the car an eyeball - then pulled ahead.
I really like the pearl White. Looks very classy. I never really liked red cars, and faded red cars looks like crap, kinda pink. Never ever get a Black car. They look really good right after being washed, but an hour later they look like crap....dusty. I had a black NSX with chrome wheels and it looked great, only right after a wash. A few hours later, even when parked in a garage you could see every single speck of dust. I will never ever get a black car again. If you like to wash your car on a daily basis then get black. Otherwise stay well away from black. I have a Silver Porsche Boxster and it looks amazing, plus silver does not show dust or dirt. I can go over a month without washing it and it still looks great. I'm waiting for the plug-in Prius to come out. I will probably go with the pearl white since I live in Socal where it's always sunny and hot. White is the best for hot climates.
If I had to do it again, definitely WHITE. I got black, but the paint and metal sheet is paper thin and tons of swirl marks.
If you want variety in your driveway, go with red (as long as it doesn't clash with the color of your house). But if I lived in a hot climate like Mexico, all of my cars would be white. The one reason I didn't like white, is that the tail lights are red and the Toyota emblem has a bit of blue in it. I usually avoid cars, clothing, and house paints that have red, white, & blue (not that I'm not patriotic--I just want to drive/wear or live in something that looks like an American flag). Thankfully, the bit of blue doesn't stand out too I went with white after all.
You know from having a black vehicle how it shows the dirt. Our blue Prius ALWAYS looks dirty except for just after having a wash job. My silver Takoma seldom gets washed and yet generally looks passable all of the time. I say go for silver. :rockon:
Awhile ago, I read on a Las Vegas, NV forum a list of ways to tell that a car is owned by an out-of-town tourist. Some of the ways, which I think are appicable here are: The dark color of the car, the dark color of the interior and leather seats. This guy lives in Mexico, so I'd say to stay away from the above. Dumb Mike
I got a red 2010 about 6 months ago and haven't regretted it a bit. The color is eye-catching and accentuates the lines of the car quite well. One reason that the red seems to look so good is that I use Zaino on the finish to give it a reflective, plastic-y look. The finish really does seem to draw out the color. I originally wanted a blue Prius to match the colors of my University, but it didn't have enough pizazz for me. Not sure why, since it's a nice color on a Prius, but it just didn't do it for me.