I recently managed to get a small scratch on the front Toyota emblem, under which the cruise control radar is housed. I'd like to buff it out but I want to make sure whatever I do doesn't affect the cruise control. Any suggestions?
I agree polishing out the scratch should not effect the operation of the radar. I think you could also replace that piece, looks like it's held on by two screws from the back. If you remove the black plastic cover you might be able to get at it.
You'll be fine. What you want to use is a fine plastic polish, like "Plexus" or if that doesn't remove it, try something like Meguiar's "PlastX" followed by the Plexus.
Thanks to all who replied. I'll try the polish first. I suppose the garage door will always win this battle. Time to hang up a tennis ball to let me know when I'm in far enough!
My emblem managed to get a scuff in it from a rock, similar to the dings you see in your windshield after while. Can that be sandpapered out with a 2000grit paper like paint? Also, I've noticed on a recent long trip when using my radar cruise it would buzz for a fracture of a second as I passed a big truck. The warning was that an object was too close, yet it was in the lane next to me. But it cleared after a fraction of a second and only rarely happens. I wonder if the small ding/scuff in my emblem might be reflecting the radar waves just a bit to cause that every now and then? On the Toyota parts list, the emblem for a dynamic radar equiped Prius is over $800 to replace and it's just one unit. If this is indeed the case, I might have to fill a claim with my insurance to get that ding fixed. lol