1) I think it may have been a mistake to ask this question. In retrospect you may agree. 2) Those of us who bought a 2009 once the 2010 was available, had more choices than a 2005 to 2008 buyer did. Some of us chose to go with the proven design and problems, some wanted all new features and issues. Knowing Gen II issues, I wrote a contract for free HID headlight replacement labor into my sales contract. I would not have known to write a dash rattles contract or FM radio reception contract into my sales contract. If life treats me well and I outlive this Prius, I will try to order the last year of Gen V.
Jimbo, no regret at all because it was a fair question. Yeah, you're right...you knew about issues with the '09...and the '10 owners took a risk in buying a 1st year model. So, far, no rattles...but maybe because my Prius was made in 3/10. I don't listen to FM much...didn't know that people still do?! My Itouch 64 keeps me happy via my USB connection. Again, why are we even doing 2nd vs. 3rd gen comparos in THIS thread? I could swear that this thead is about something else.
This comment is hard to refute. I also find a strange irony in people who are unable to find in a manual how to turn on a parking assist. I mean, wow, how much help do these folks need? It's very arguable whether you should be on the road anyway if you cannot parallel park a Prius properly. Honest to GOD, this is the easiest car to park I have owned in YEARS. It's like it turns on a dime, literally you can almost drive circles in a two car garage. If you cannot parallel park this thing I'm just going to go and ask you to turn in your license, please.
Sorry to have been remiss in visiting this post in a couple weeks. I'll be honest... nothing. When the "selldown" period comes (that's what we call the period when MYs overlap in dealer stock), there's just some buyers who would rather pay a few more bucks for the newer MY (image or because it will have slightly better resale). To each his/her own. That kind of thing is being fixed/improved all the time and happens as rolling changes off the line. We wouldn't announce something like this at a model year change, though that would be funny: "MY11 Prius, Now with Less Noisy Bridge Junctions" Good idea, I might save some time from reviewing the release! NOPE. Nada. Nothing. What we revealed here to PC first is what will be on the MY11s. Ok, there are a couple very small changes... the PCer that finds them would indeed be very perceptive. But the point is this.... we have never planned to make changes to MY11. This was always going to be a very minimal change (it's just that now is when you're finding this out). It takes engineering resources to upgrade models, so typically the industry can't do it every MY. You have to pick your timing. Also, we launched a year ago. We had to sell to customers, have them drive for awhile, then talk to them, and then plan and develop what changes needed to be made in terms of features. That takes more than 12-18 months, typically. You can't do much exciting in that timeframe. What he said. Sorry to disappoint. Methinks next year you're going to be a little less underwhelmed. Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Doug, I appreciate your candidness! It's hard being a product manager at times (oh how well I know...). I guess I may need to keep saving my money in the meantime and make the jump to Prius when the 2012s come out. If I purchase a 2010 or 2011 I'll be unhappy when I see the new whiz-bang 'changes' come 2012. And I tend to keep my cars a long time so there's no way I'd sell a 1 yr old car and upgrade. Oh well. I wanted another year out of my Saab anyway, she said dejectedly. However, if the Toyota fairy plopped a brand new Prius in my driveway and said, "here ya go...cause you've been so very patient...here's a gift for you," I'd consider that a very fair deal!
If you buy the Prius in 2012, then how about waiting till 2013 or the midlife update? But, by then, you might as well wait till the 4th gen comes out...but by then, you may want to wait a few more years for the midlife update of the 4th gen, but by then, you might as well wait for the 5th gen.........
Now don't be ridiculous. I've got a soon-to-be 13 yr old car. As much as I'd like my Saab to last forever, it won't. My plan, as much as one can plan these things, has always been to keep the car as long as it made financial sense, and get a new car right around 2011. I've been here since 2008 because I'm a fan of the Prii. When I take the plunge it will definitely be a 3rd Gen Prius. Don't know if it will be a 2011 or a 2012. I'm on the cusp as far as cars go. Hmmm...or maybe a 2010 at year end since nothing is changing in the 2011s anyway.
Then wait for 2012... that way you can see the midlife updates (if Toyota chooses to update after 2 years like it has with the last two generations) and if not (or if the price jump is too large), you can take a 2011 at a discount! (which matters most since you won't care about resale if you keep it for as long as possible)
Using Toyota's typical lifecycle, yes, you would be correct. Oddly enough, the last gen had a short Gen 2 life and a long Gen 2.5 life. (i.e. it was updated after 2 years and replaced after 6 years rather than an update after 2 and replacement after 5).
I was debating whether to trade in my MY07 for a MY10 during the current clearance "sale" until I read this thread. Thought the new PHEV model was coming out in MY11 but looks like MY12 for that, so, if I'm going to wait, I guess I should wait for that.
Doug, What a tantalizing statement! Could you offer any more details on MY12? The reason I am asking is that my present GM lease is up this December, and I was gearing up to buy a Prius V (or Five), either a 2010 or 2011, whichever is available, since there is virtually no difference between them. Now, however, I am considering purchasing my leased car (for $13K), keeping it a year, then trading it for a MY12 Prius V/Five/5. I would only do this, though, if I had a compelling reason to do so... ...so, what is coming in MY12? Sunroof on the V/Five? Power Seats? New models, e.g., the van? And/or...? I'd appreciate any hints you can provide (and I'll keep it to myself, I promise, scout's honor!). Glen
The nameing convention of different Prius packages should be: Prius 1: PRIUS (where is this package? I want a bare-bone with no bells and whistles that sells cheaper than the Honda Insight) Prius 2: PRIIUS Prius 3: PRIIIUS Prius 4: PRIVUS Prius 5: PRVUS Prius 6: PRVIUS (4+5=6, the really fully loaded, heck, call it the Lexus PRIUS) Prius Plug-in 1: PRPIUS Prius Plug-in 2: PRPIIUS and so on ... Just kidding!
Mr. Coleman, Since you said that things like squeaky bridge dashboards are beinig improved as rolling of the line what about the scratch sensitive interior ? Is that being improved too as rolling of the line ? In Germany the Top Model of the Prius costs about 29000 Euro and it's really not fair that one has to put up with scratches within only a few days ! Toyota really should think about this and fix the problem ! They can do better because the Auris Hybrid has much better soft-touch interior !
If you want the truth here it is: Turn off the BLARING HORN when I put the car into reverse and I will consider the MY11 a resounding, overwhelming success. I still hope that whoever oked putting in that backup beep was fired from Toyota.