SPEEDEAMON and JimN, I was wondering whose Prius was parked in front of the place last night (see photo below) ... it must be one of yours !!! [IMGLINK]http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/images/gallery-cordobanabe3.jpg[/IMGLINK]
Haha ... not those New York Dolls: [IMGLINK]http://www.100xr.com/100_XR/Artists/N/New_York_Dolls/New.York.Dolls-band-1973.jpg[/IMGLINK] BTW, I've seen David Johansen a couple of times walking around the neighborhood where he lives (Gramercy Park ... about 60 blocks from Ground Zero). He looked fine. But he was clothed.
Just like there are different Christian sects, there are different Muslim sects, the problem is that some people don't bother to investigate, they would rather regurgitate, the sect that wants the center, is a sect that both Sunni and Shiite don't especially like. Now for the people that don't bother to do any personal investigation, the 9/11 people were Sunni, the center muslims would be of the sect Sufism. Also, here is a bit of info: http://www.thepilot.com/news/2010/au...r-ground-zero/ Here's The New York Times' list of Muslims murdered on 9/11: Samad Afridi, Ashraf Ahmad, Shabbir Ahmad, Umar Ahmad, Azam Ahsan, Ahmed Ali, Tariq Amandullah, Touri Bolourchi, Salauddin Chaudhury, Abdul Chowdhury, Mohammad Chowdhury, Jamal Desantis, Ramzi Douani. Saleem Farooqi, Syed Fatha, Osman Gani, Mohammad Hamdani, Salman Hamdani, (a 23-year old NYPD cadet, part-time ambulance driver, incoming medical student and devout Muslim), Aisha Harris, Shakila Hoque, Nabid hossain, Shahzad Hussein, Talat Hussein, Mohammed Jawarta, Arsian Khakwani, Asim Khan, Ataullah Khan, Ayub Khan, Qasim Khan, Sarah Khan, Taimour Khan, Yasmeen Khan, Zahida Khan, Badruddin Lakhani, Omar Malick, Nurul Miah, Mubarak Mohammad, Boyie Mohammed, Raza Mujtaba. Omar Namoos, Mujeb Qazi, Tarranum Rahim, Ehesham Raja, Ameenia Rasool, Naveed Rehman, Yusuf Saad, Rahma Salie and unborn child, Shoman Samad, Asad Samir, Khalid Shabid, Mohammed Shajahan, Naseema Simjee, Jamil Swaati, Sanober Syed, Robert Talhami, Michaqel Theodoridis and W. Wahid. Muslims killed that day who were American citizens loved their country not a whit less than any other victim of al-Qaida's wrath. Although I haven't heard the argument made that the Cordoba center can be viewed as a fitting memorial to innocent Muslims killed on 9/11, a good case can be made that it will. The controversial Cordoba project will add about $100 million to Manhattan's already weak economy, including new employment, land and construction costs. Had 9/11 not occurred, few would have opposed such a holy shrine. http://www.fcnp.com/commentary/national/7153-why-i-support-the-muslim-center-in-manhattan.html However, the group behind the controversial Islamic Community Center has no connection to terrorism and nothing in common with radical Islamists. They have gone out of their way to explain the project and mollify fears. The center represents an olive branch to other faiths and hopes to promote a peaceful brand of Islam. Indeed, the project's Imam hails from the moderate Islamic sect of Sufism, which is widely despised by America's jihadist enemies. They hate this form of Islam so much that fundamentalists have intimidated many of its followers and attacked its shrines in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. In regard to this mosque, Islamophobia is real and being spewed by frightened people who probably think Ramadan is a dinosaur in the movie Jurassic Park. Opponents of the building are asking questions, but purposely not listening to the answers, which would have assuaged their concerns. They are intentionally painting all forms of Islam with a broad paintbrush and failing to differentiate what each sect actually teaches its followers. Memo to protesters: Osama bin Ladin does not represent all of Islam, any more than Rev. Pat Robertson is a spokesman for all of Christendom. Don't you get it? Don't get me wrong, this information is for the people that like to learn things and not regurgitate, so I don't expect certain members to improve their mind.
Because you can't discriminate and it seems some people believe building a mosque within 50 miles of the former World Trade Center site would be an affront to humanity due to the religious reason given for the attack of 9/11, I propose that a ban be placed on any religious institution having any form of structure or symbol within 50 miles of the site. There, problem solved. If you ask me religion was the tool used by ruthless men to manipulate the weak minded to do their dirty work. It is the same for all religions, ask the Irish and the Jews although I doubt you would get a straight answer because they have been manipulated by ruthless men.
I agree that the story is overblown. But suppose if it was a Saudi financed Wahabi madrassa Mosque being built directly across the street from the WTC site? That hypothetical mosque should have the same constitutional freedom to exist. But I wouldnt support that mosque. Would anyone here support that?
Support the right to build it? Or think it is a good idea? Those really are two different questions. Which one are you asking?
If the community center several blocks from Ground Zero is forbidden to be built, then I would support a law that would forbid building a Christian church within 200 miles of any massacre of Native Americans by Christians. Here's where they'd be forbidden: [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_massacre]Indian massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I wouldn't give a spit about this Mosque/Cultural Center going up if I could just read somewhere in the Muslim world a descent amount of outrage about Shari'a Law and things like this . . . Stoning as a form of punishment. Cutting off a hand and foot from opposite sides for stealing. Honor killing's. The concept that women are property. Genital mutilation of women. Pedophilia (Marriage to girls as young as nine) Rape and on and on . . . ad nauseum
then we should be less concerned about the building of mosque's and more concerned about infiltrating mosque/state separation.
It is funny how you boozos like to obscure the real disuscusion with irrelevant noise. This is about a mosque being built near ground zero. Not about Christianity. You are all so afriad of something you just don't understand or care about. Personally I had no feelings either way on this issue. Might have been different if I actually lost someone close in 9/11. But I will keep my nose out of it and leave it up to the fine people of NYC to figure it out.
Excuse me, it is you, and the xenophobic sissies who have their panties in a knot over this who are the ones who are afraid of what you do not understand. Understand this: IT IS NOT A MOSQUE. Understand this: IT IS A MULTICULTURAL CENTER. Christians, Jews, Atheists, etc. are welcome. Understand this: THERE IS ALREADY A MUSLIM PRAYER CENTER NEAR GROUND ZERO. It was there BEFORE the World Trade Center was built. Understand this: WHERE THE CULTURAL CENTER WILL BE IS SEVERAL BLOCKS FROM GROUND ZERO. Understand this: YOU CAN NOT SEE GROUND ZERO FROM WHERE IT WILL BE. Understand this: YOU CAN NOT SEE IT FROM GROUND ZERO. Unless you have particularly strong feelings about the Burlington Coat Factory, shut up.
Aye. I wonder how much controversy it would have caused if the media, instead of calling it "Ground Zero Mosque" called it by what it really is: "Burlington Coat Factory Cultural Center".
When I first started out as a cabbie one of the older guys told me that you should avoid discussing politics and religion. Now I see why
Nothing wrong with discussing any subject. Even simple discussions about oil changes get mighty heated at times....and sometimes sensitive topics get discussed calmly.
c'mon! who doesn't love starting a thread that get's a huge response? although, i must admit, the anger and superior attitudes are a bit appalling.:argue:
That's me walking towards the car. What were you doing, taking photos outside? Should have come inside to say hello. I would have bought you a chair dance. Now, if that doesn't make you smile I don't know what can.