Thinking about removing the entire back seat and side panels and paying a custom auto fabrication shop make me up a custom floor like the following pics offer ..... I travel a lot for work and need as much room in back as possible. I never have back seat passengers. I wonder if Toyota will void my warranty or give me problems. I own a 2006 Prius ( standard ). Should I do this or leave well enough alone?
The major issue that you might face is if your modifications impair traction battery cooling. If so, then you could reasonably expect Toyota not to honor the hybrid system warranty if your traction battery fails during the warranty period.
My gut reaction or usual response when ever anyone asks, "should I do this?" type of questions is that it's YOUR car, if you want it? and can afford it? Do it. But in your case, your wording sounds so hesitant. Leaving well enough alone? Well how "Well Enough" is Well enough? I mean how much advantage to you would the extra space become? It looks like it would create a some more space but not a whole lot more than is available if you simply fold down the seats. Also I'm single and don't have a lot of people riding in the back of my hatchback BUT personally? I like the idea that the option of having backseats...and picking up people at the airport, or being able to transport multiple people exists...don't take lightly losing back seats, even if you think you don't use them...they are nice to have which is why most automobiles do have them. You know? Toyota could choose to fight you over warranty issues "if" the battery failed. But looking at those pictures, as long as venting and the cooling system wasn't altered or changed I don't see how they would win. A lot of negatives would have to happen for it to become an issue, #1, in warranty battery failure, #2, Toyota deciding to not honor warranty... But it all comes down to what YOU want. If the space and simplicity would be worth it? I'd roll the dice. Fear of "maybe" Toyota wouldn't honor the warranty...if "maybe" the battery failed under warranty..wouldn't stop me. The only thing that would stop me from doing it is determining it wasn't really something I wanted...and only YOU can answer that. You sound hesitant, and I like the "option" of back seats...unless I found the lack of space entirely unacceptable I personally would not do a back seat delete....sometimes less is not's simply less. So just do it...unless you really don't want to do it. PS. Another reason I wouldn't do a back seat delete, is as much as I don't transport large groups of people around, I have discovered that often I find myself with packages or things to transport that actually "fit" better thrown on a backseat as opposed to a big flat area. I like utility...but sometimes back seats ARE utility.
Do what you want, just make sure the battery can breathe. There isn't anything else back there you could harm, and all it needs is to be able to pull air from the passenger cabin now and then.
What the others said. Be sure the battery is at least as well vented as stock. Make the process reversible and keep all the old parts so you can put it back to stock when you want to sell it. Also seriously consider putting something across the front of the storage area to keep your cargo from injuring the front seat occupants in a crash or sudden stop.
Let me clarify I have not done this yet .... And my pics posted are from a Google Search. Thanks all.
I use my 04 prius on a mail route delivering, so space is important. I removed the rear seat backs, but left the seat cushion . There is wiring for the gas tank under this cushion that I don't want affected, and the extra several inches of height the seat cushion gives actually helps me when I grab stuff from the back of the car. I just pulled forward the rear prius cargo mat to cover this up the small gap from the seat backs. I believe the second image you have shows this; just the rear seat back (vertical part) removed and the seat cushion still there, shot from the rear of the prius. --removing the entire back seat and side panels and paying a custom auto fabrication shop make me up a custom floor-- I would be concerned about possibly drilling occurring in the wrong place , every time I take off panels I find these wires hooked up to little gadgets that I don't want to mess with. The seat backs wouldn't take too long to put back in if needed in the future.
Ok ... Thanks. But howe did you remove the Seat Backs? Like a step by step. Leaving the seat belts a good idea. Thanks NorthWitchita
- Northwichita - and I did it two years ago my recollection isn't the best. I probably did this with the backs in reclining position. Left the shoulder seat belts as is, don't really recall about the lower belts, I may have removed these ( one belt is part of the seat back) . I unbolted the two backs from the body , a bracket in the middle and bolts on the ends, fairly tight access to the bolts, I think just pushing aside the cushion is what it took to access and unbolt them , I didn't have to remove the rear panels in the car. I did leave the two back seats connected, removed them together. Edit--Place the seat backs in the down position, then removed the 14 mm bolts on the backside base of the seat backs (4) pushed the backs out of the way ,then remove 12 mm bolts , 2 on the middle bracket , and one on each side of the ends. 4 total. . prius instructions which makes it look more complicated but of course helpful to read through first
OK ...Thanks. I might remove just the rear seat backs. I hope bare metal or open wires do not show, and if that I might need to tape down some carpet....
I'm new, and was happy to find a recent post on this topic...did you remove the seat back, and what did you find under there? I have a 2005 Prius and would like to remove the seat back to make more space for dog crates - I have two dogs and removing the seat back, but not the bottom, might work perfectly (according to my measurements, at least). Any advice/instructions/warnings (like keep the seatbelts!) appreciated.
No, I did not remove the rear seats .... However, I still want to. That said, has anyone done this ? Can you provide Pics and negatives and positives? I would like to remove the entire back seat and rear flooring and replace with a custom plywood platform with custom carpet on the plywood. Comments ... ? Thanks !!!
I posted a picture of how things look with all but the bottom seat cushion removed. The upper seat backs are easy, you just need to remove two plastic clips with a trim removal tool and then two bolts. As you can see, the HV battery is a massive hump right in the middle and would be difficult to relocate safely. If it were me, I would either tear everything out and leave it bare to maximize volume, or leave all of the factory floorboards in place and take out the seatbacks or the entire seats. One question before proceeding is, how much weight do you plan to carry in the back? I've found that the car is about maxed out at 1000 lbs of passenger weight + PHEV kit. Also, with floorboards, seats, and trim removed, interior road noise will be much louder, as you are effectively driving around in an empty tin can. As long as you do not disturb the ducting for the HV battery, especially do not block the opening on the passenger side, there won't be a problem with cooling.
Took all my seats out to clean up from previous owner's mess, here's how. Remove the rear seat bottom first for easy access to the seat back bolts (2 spring pins that point straight down along the front edge). Then remove the seat back bolts (4?), and the center seatbelt bolt. Keep your bolts together in a ziplock, ziptied or taped to your seatback bracket. The battery vent is on the edge piece of the seat back and doesn't need to be removed, so battery cooling stays stock. You could just put the seat bottom back in as the floor underneath is irregular and you don't gain much room by removing it. Put a blanket over it. Or have that nice platform built over it with or without the seatbottom in. All this is reversible. Your car is a tool/appliance you bought to take car of your specific needs. Thumbs up from me.
Back in 2006, as one of the first pioneers, mrbigh converted his Prius to a PHEV. He replaced the back seat with a battery box. I'm sure he could provide more documentation, but here is a video: