IMHO, it is a 'made up' bit of fluff so we won't pay attention to the lack of building anything on the former site. Media circus comes to mind. Bob Wilson
Most articles also leave out the fact that the proposed Islamic cultural center with a prayer room on the site of an old Burlington Coat Factory building is two blocks from ground zero and around a corner. Not at ground zero and not a full fledged mosque. If it's a mosque, then a YMCA with a prayer room is a church.
Captain Obvious, the point was that having a prayer room in a facility doesn't make it a church or a synagogue or a mosque. A YMCA may have a prayer room, but that doesn't make it a church.
The only ones stirring the crap are the folks who want it banned. Unless you have a compelling reason to preserve the precious memory of the, um, Burlington Coat Factory that was there?
This is the kind of non-issue that was made for the Republican party. They make their living on stuff like this. Hit that emote button on all the dumb-dumbs out there. Heck, the Arabs probably own ground zero in NY, as well as the whole nearby area, thanks to all those gas guzzlers Republicans and Democrats drive.
I can appreciate the controversy. On one hand, it's a free country, and the ideals of peace, tolerance, and freedom of religion is so important that it shouldn't really matter which church gets built where. On the other hand, I can understand the symbology of raising a flag on the enemy's rubble, and the powerful emotions that invokes for both sides. I hunch opening a flight school in the basement would not go over well.
this guy seriously wants to put a gay bar right next to the "mosque". i would love to put a pork store on the other side. ound: Greg Gutfeld | Gutfeld Gay Bar | Ground Zero Mosque | Mediaite
Here food for thought Muslim Victims of Terrorist Attack, September 11, 2001 Imagine being the family of Salman Hamdani. The 23-year-old New York City police cadet was a part-time ambulance driver, incoming medical student, and devout Muslim. When he disappeared on September 11, law enforcement officials came to his family, seeking him for questioning in relation to the terrorist attacks. They allegedly believed he was somehow involved. His whereabouts were undetermined for over six months, until his remains were finally identified. He was found near the North Tower, with his EMT medical bag beside him, presumably doing everything he could to help those in need. His family could finally rest, knowing that he died the hero they always knew him to be.
I totally agree. Because the United States is currently officially at war with the Muslim religion, and we all know every single Muslim's intention is to destroy the U.S.
what percent of people from the other world religions do you think would be willing to strap a bomb on and kill others in the name of their religion? which ones would be the most likely to want to kill Americans in the name of their religion? which ones already have? Christianity: 2.1 billion Islam: 1.5 billion Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion Hinduism: 900 million Chinese traditional religion: 394 million Buddhism: 376 million primal-indigenous: 300 million African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million Sikhism: 23 million Juche: 19 million Spiritism: 15 million Judaism: 14 million Baha'i: 7 million Jainism: 4.2 million Shinto: 4 million Cao Dai: 4 million Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million Tenrikyo: 2 million Neo-Paganism: 1 million Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand Rastafarianism: 600 thousand Scientology: 500 thousand (certainly not the rastafarians)
imagine if the people building the mosque said to themselves, because we are a peace loving people who only want the right to practice our religion like anyone else, and because we disagree with the radical terrorists who comitted this atrocity, and because we are sensitive to the feelings of the families and friends of all those who died and were injured here, let's consider building in an area where we won't cause any pain. now that would be refreshing!
it will never happen, thats why it can only be imangined most of them lie out of their nice person and my bet is that after its built it will turn into a mosque.
And from the other side, dont you think they want to build to build there to stop the spread of thought processes like these? How many churches are there by the Oklahoma City bombing? I count 42. All those little dots are churches too. [ame=,+oklahoma+city,+ok&sll=35.343359,-97.488755&sspn=0.007211,0.01929&ie=UTF8&split=1&rq=2&ev=zo&hq=church&hnear=200+NW+5th+St,+Oklahoma+City,+Cleveland,+Oklahoma+73160&ll=35.343415,-97.487354&spn=0.028845,0.077162&z=14]church near 200 N.W. 5th Street, oklahoma city, ok - Google Maps[/ame] How many churches in Jeruselum? Too many to count, even in Jeruselum. You would think that those Christian leaders would have said "since we are a peace loving people who only want the right to practice our religion like anyone else, and because we disagree with the radical terrorists who comitted the attrocity of the Crusades, and because we are sensitive to the feelings of the families and friends of all those who died and were injured here, let's consider building in an area where we won't cause any pain." I would find that refreshing for once. Usually the argument for building churches on religious attack grounds is to "spread the word of god" and get them to understand that not all Christians are extremists. Sounds sort of familiar. However building an Islamic YMCA (YMMA???) is grounds for war. This is rediculous. [ame=,35.15625&sspn=0.120334,0.308647&ie=UTF8&split=1&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=10.89&hq=church&hnear=&ll=31.773418,35.186806&spn=0.120251,0.308647&z=12]church - Google Maps[/ame]
OK, I admit, you got me there. Now, let's apply that to other areas. Who commits the most bank robberies? Why, that would be white males. I assume you're writing to folks in Washington to enact legislation that would bar white males from entering banks. Even that small handful of white males who AREN'T bank robbers should be sensitive to those who were (or at least read about somebody who was) robbed by white males.
bank robbers are out to steal money. islamic terrorist are out to kill you and your family. big difference. we are all targets.
What % is it for Muslims ? The first suicidal terrorists with a strap bomb were the Shrilankan Tamils (who are born Hindus, even though Tamil Tiger leadership was atheist). Desperation (and brainwashing?) does not have religious boundaries. Interestingly these tactics turned Budhists in Shrilanka to be militant - yes we had militan Budhist monks. Suicidal missions in history have been quite common - from the Kamakazi pilots to the mythical "300" in that racist movie.
i don't know either but it seams they've doing most of the terrorism in the last 30 years around the world. twin towers twice bus bombings subway bombings embassy bombings marines barracks nightclub bombings attempt in NYC ss cole i'm sure i left out a lot they vast majority of muslims are ok but when push comes to shove the worst of the worst comes out to kill people not sit down and discuss the matter and we were at war with the Japanese. we are not at war with Islam right now..or are we? da da ...dunnnnnnnnn
That would be conceding to the irrational prejudice of the people who dislike the religion, in effect an admission that they are right, that the religion is distasteful or not to be trusted. It would also be an admission that bigotry and hatred have justification. I always view with suspicion concession to someone else's fear; their fear is for them to deal with, not for me to impede my own life because it scares them (particularly where there's no reason for their fear but prejudice).