Just seen this news story here in the UK; BBC News - Obama defends right to build mosque near 9/11 site I can't believe it. I'm sure many will come out with reasons to support this but I can't. This is being done for nothing other than badness. If it wasn't they'd understand the strength of feeling and build it elsewhere. A provocative act if ever there was one! And as my Gran used to say "It'll end in tears".
i think you're spot on, i'm just not sure anything can be done about it. insensitive doesn't even begin to describe it. the next 10-20 years are going to be very interesting, to say the least.
I see no problem Why do you lump everyone into the same peg It was a couple of crazy people who crash the planes not everyone that believes in the Muslim religion This is the same mentally that hates the Japanese for bombing Pearl harbour
i think it would be nice if they were sensitive to the feelings of the survivors and relatives of the victims. i would hope and expect the same from any religious entity.
I don't have a problem with this. Sure, the people running the Mosque should be prepared to work VERY hard with the community for acceptance, and should also be prepared for protests, yelling, and even some fanatical behavior. However, if they are willing to deal with that, so be it. Unless anyone wants to eliminate the freedom of religion in this nation. Oh, and if we are going to start banning religious institutions, let's ban any churches from anywhere nearby the Oklahoma federal building bombing.
Question: Isn't the church and state supposed to be separate? Perhaps it's not his place to interfere. Just sayin.
Oh that's nothing. Majority of crazy republicans believe goverment comes from god. Separation as long as it doesnt separate what they believe.
I agree with Grumpy. This has nothing to do with religious freedom but "in your face" arrogance. They could have built this mosque most anywhere else in NYC without any pubicity or fanfare. If you have read any of the controversial statements by this Imam you would realize it is much more than religious freedom at the heart of this matter. For due respect for the families of those that were killed at Ground Zero, I hope someone finds a way to stop this. What difference does it make as to what religion they were affiliated with?
This is the same logic as: Since the Japanese bombed Pearl harbour, Japanese people should not be allowed to live/congregate within X number of blocks of it. American murdered millions of Natives, should they not be allowed to be within Y blocks of any old native american village? Also your's and my above arguments are both wrong at the heart of the matter. Extremists of anykind are dangerous and do not represent the majority. Muslims are very kind people and in many ways more religiously tolerant than their christian/catholic/whatever-that-loves-jesus counterparts. There are crazies, but there are just as many crazies in other religions. They could build it at ground zero at the base of one of the new towers (if they ever build anything at this pace...) and then maybe more people would learn about a different religion and be more tolerant.
That's it. The right in your face arrogance, hiding behind the freedoms that they (the extremists) want to destroy. The same occurs in Northern Ireland where the so called Loyalists march or parade through Catholic areas, which they say is purely for historical reasons and nothing to do with in your face badness, though I think we all know the true this isn't the case. A believe another way to describe both the above is "sh*t stirring" Definition and pronunciation of shit stirrer | Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary .
Just because something isn't illegal doesn't automatically mean you should do it. Common sense and common courtesy often suggest discretion. This might be one of those cases. Tom
If you only get freedom when it makes everyone happy, that is not freedom. I support Nazi marches in Jewish neighborhoods, nothing makes Nazis look stupid more than they do. I support a Mosque at Ground Zero, nothing make Muslims seem intolerant more than building one. If we ban it, that only says something about us.
Anything about the people building the mosque? Do they support Hamas and the Taliban?...if so, then you could call this an in your face statement. Otherwise, they many not have an agenda like that.