Variables include your characteristics (gender, age, marital status, driving hx) and general demographics - garaged or no, urban, suburban, rural (zip code specific) which takes into account theft, accidents, etc - and incentives, new, transfer, employer/alumnus status.
oh ic. thanks for the answer. usually progressive gives me great rates. But not for the Prius. I think that Geico gave me decent rates . but liability limit was like $66,000. So are those liability limits $66k too little? I still think Geico offers a better rate. I'll check it out .
The liability is reasonable at $481. But the comprehensive and collision is way too high at $627, it should be around $250. Do you have previous car collisions or totaled any cars? May be you should go without the rental car reimbursement.
a single car insurance is always more expensive because there's no combined discounts. I got my 10 Prius, 97 Tacoma and my house insured through mercury. I got full coverage for both vehicle with 500 deductible 100k/300k/50K My premium for the Prius is 261. Tacoma is 279 both for 6 months. I use for my quote. I'm sure I could find lower rates but I had to pick one quick b/c my previous coverage was in the process of being renewed. My previous insurance wanted 452 for the Prius and 501 for the Tacoma. Full coverage 50k/100k/50k 500 deductible for both cars.
No i have never had previosu car collisions or totaled any cars. I had someone hit my car in the bumper but it wasnt the prius. Prius is just giving me high insurance quotes. Even my brothers landrover is paying less than this clunky 2010 prius. lol. The comprehensive and collision are both at $500 deductible. If iI lower it to $250 it would cost an additional $110. Progressive quoted me 1262 already.
lol i dont get it. My coverage is exactly the same as yours. But i'm paying $200 a month and you're paying $279 for 6 months?
Give a try. I've been using them for over 10 years everytime my insurance rate increases. They send your information to many insurance companies. Some will email you the quotes, some will call you, some will do both. I got quotes from State Farm, Geico, 21st century insurance, and Mercury by email. I've gotten calls from other insurance companies too but I forgot which one. I just told them that I'm busy and can't talk at this time and to email me the quote instead. This is the email I got from the insurance company. Also since I have 2 cars I didn't add the rental car coverage. Mercury Insurance Company No Brokers Fees The following quote is based upon information provided on the internet website. you will not be charged a broker's fee. Your information will be used to get you the best quote through reliable companies with great reputations. VEHICLES: 1. 97 Toyota Tacoma Xtra Cab 2. 10 Toyota Prius Bodily Injury Liability: $100,000 per person, $300,000 per occurrence Property Damage Liability: $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: $30,000 per person, $60,000 per occurrence Waiver of Collision Deductible Comprehensive: $500 Deductible Collision: $500 Deductible Total Premium Including Fees: $541.80 The premium can be paid in full, or with an initial payment of $92.80 plus 5 monthly installments of $94.80. Mercury Insurance Co. for 6 months Your application can be processed over the phone. Please call me. We accept all major credit cards. Call now to also take advantage of additional discounts that will lower this rate even more!!! Very truly yours, -------------------------------------------------- Thank you for requesting Homeowners Insurance from our Agency The following price indication is based upon the information you provided on the Internet website. Undeclared Claims will change the price of this policy. I quoted you with MERCURY Insurance Group, an "A+" Rated (AM BEST) company. Mercury is the 2nd Largest Auto Insurer in California. Your application can be processed over the phone. Please call me if you are interested in purchasing this policy. A SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT is available if you also insure your AUTO with MERCURY. Homeowner's coverage with Mercury Casualty Co.: Dwelling - 399,300 Liability - 500,000 Other Structures - 39,930 Medical Payments - 1,000 Personal Property - 279,510 Deductible - 1,000 Loss of Use - 79,860 Earthquake Coverage - not incl. Total premium for this policy $743 ------ The following endorsements are included in this coverage: ------ Newer Home Credit Silver-Gold-Pewter (2,500) Account Credit Home Computers (3,000) Personal Injury Loss Assessment (1,000) Workers Compensation Ordinance or Law Coverage Firearms (1,000) Replacement Cost Contents Jewelry and Furs (1,000) Replacement Cost Dwelling (120%) Very truly yours,
It would be worth while to break down the comprehensive from the collision -- Comp is largely dependent on where you live, and I have seen that vary from $50/6months to 280/6 months (when I moved from Upstate NY to a bad part of DC). Currently, I am paying about $500/6 mo for my 2 cars (2010 Prius, 2002 Sienna)....full coverage, $500 deductible, $500000/$1000000 liability, 100K property...No tickets since 1997, no accidents in 8 years, insured with USAA since 1985....age: mid 40's. You say you are over 25, and presumably driving for a long have a fender bender that the other party paid? No tickets? Is your credit ok? they do check that too
I have Erie and live in Virginia. I was crying paying $1900 per year for four cars and a motorhome: 1996 Camry 2002 Silverado 2004 Avalon 2010 Prius 2004 39ft Winnebago Motorhome I have tried to find a lower rate somewhere else but had no success.
I think $66,000 (per claimant I assume) is low. If you hit a car and the occupant is in the hospital for more than a few days the cost could easily exceed this coverage. There is a possibility that you will be personally responsible for the excess. The rate you quoted seems very high. I pay less for three cars, but then I live in an area with a lower accident rate and have been with the same carrier for over 20 years. Well, I'm sure my situation will change when my teenage daughter gets her license later this month! :Cry:
Yea Idk why. But the lady from progressive tried to offer me lower premium $100 less but she gave me 15,000/30,000 bodily injury coverage. I thought she was out of her mind. But I ended up staying with progressive. They still offered me less 6 month premium price than the other insurance companies. It included 100/300k bodily injury coverage and medical payments $5000. Farmers, Geico, Twenty waterver, and the other insurance companies from insweb offered me more expensive too and they didn't include medical payments in the policy. They told me my traffic violation that dated 2-3 yr ago or the fact that prius is new and a hybrid and price for parts increased the premium. And I'm thinking that all the recalls toyota is doing certainly won't help my insurance price. Geico offered the least among the other insurance companies.
new car and hybrid = increased premium? hmm Funny how my 13 year old Tacoma cost more to insure than my brand new Prius. But then again The prius has 7 airbags and ABS and the Tacoma has only 1 airbag and no ABS. Many insurance companies also offer hybrid discounts too.
are you serious. I got pulled over once by a cop 2-3 yrs ago and that's enough to budge the insurance that much? wow. I went like 5 mph over the speed limit and cops were pulling everyone over when the state of california was in debt.
FWIW, being here in steamy New Joisey....... I just got my updated insurance: $164 higher (per year) than the 2002 Mazda Protege 5 that it replaced. (Total cost- $1011/yr) I'm very pleasantly surprised by that. I've had NJM (New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance) for about 18 years, and would highly recommend them to anyone who has access. Dan
California is going to be higher anyways, i live in the bay area just added my new prius to my insurance (Allstate) and I am paying and my rate went up 500 a year. It didn't make since to me either, I had a SUV before but agent told me because its new and it cost a lot more to fix a prius then a standard SUV.
My insurance premium increased by $50/yr to $650/yr. I think it has something to do with new car as my old car only worth $3000 per KBB.
I have never had my premiums go up because of a traffic ticket. Normal ticket. if it's anything else......well then pay through the nose.
The accident history and tickets will drive rates up. And a new car will drive up the cost of collision & comprehensive since the potential loss is higher. These are all factors permitted by the Insurance Commissioner to calculate rates. My rates went up in the past when I was read-ended at a red light at an intersection. I had 0% fault yet my rates went up due to my claim history. I don't know whether the recall and bad PR for Toyota had any effect on rates. It shouldn't affect the actual claims on the Prius but it might affect how the underwriters calculate the potential future claims.
2010 Prius II 50/100 coverage, 500.00 deductible 726.00 per year, Erie Insurance can't believe some of the rates you guys are paying!!! I just got a quote to add my 16 year old daughter after she gets licensed it it jumped to $1060 per year. I live in PA and these are limited tort options