I ripped my back bumper on my 2007 Prius about halfway off. We got it back on temporarily, but this part was on the grass. Anyone know what it is? Yes I know I can go ask the dealer but I'll save embarassment by asking here
I am wondering whether this is one of the ventilation louvers hidden behind the rear bumper cover. See my photos.
yes that looks like it. My auto body guy will put it back when the new bumper comes in. I hope it isn't a critical thing and can be out for a couple of week.
It kind of looks like the ventilation louvers but the picture studiopeg has looks like a solid piece. Plus the holes should be bigger than the ones in the picture.
OK I think you nailed it. It really looks like piece #7, the absorber center bracket. If it was a vent louver it would not be the solid piece that it is. Good, thank you!!:cheer2:
I'm going to guess the trunk ventilation covers that sit near the battery or the opposite side. If it flaps, then it's likely it.
I can tell you exactly what it is... don't know the real name for it , but it is located in the center of the styrofoam piece behind the bumper cover. Don't know what it does other than just set there. I was bumped in the rear and broke the styrofaom piece in the middle and this fell out. That was 2 years ago and no adverse conditions developed from it. I wouldn't worry about it. If I replace the slightly creased bumper cover and the styrofoam I will put it back in. Otherwise....... naa.