The EV project is committed to almost 11,000 Level 2 chargers. So if Leaf only has 6,600 initial orders, why can't all we early adopters have one? Even if they only plan on giving out 4,700 to match the number of cars they want to monitor. Surely they should be choosing the 4,700, again, from among early adopters who meet their criteria? Just a bit cheesed because I was never offered one, I guess.
the "EV Project" only is focused on the 10 cities sites on their website, that is where the testing is taking place. Many of the places they will put public chargers in those 10 cities will just be Level 2 chargers, not all Level 3 fast chargers, that's how they came up with that large # of level 2 chargers. In reality, they should have taken or asked for more money from the DOE and done a nationwide test, as data from the Northeast and colder climates is totally missing from their study. the coldest place they have is Seatlle, Washington, and that isn't very cold most of the time. It certainly doesn't have the snow we get out east.
I would say true...BUT there are a few reports from people outside the 10 cities being offered them as well. I know of one gal (assuming she's not fibbing) in Los Angeles who was offered one. Now it could also be that she's mistaken, or that her being offered one was an error.
perhaps they have expanded to nearby cities or cities not listed on the website, but they have fixed funding to get the study done ($99.8 million), so I would tend to doubt they will veer too far off track...
Actually Smyrna, TN their headquarters gets colder than Seattle. Yes, I think they should have selected a NE or midwest city as well. If they wanted to stick to initial states, they can atleast include Spokane.
Today Nissan updated status of free EVSE application. I've been approved. Check your account status ... Login
Congrats to you evnow for being selected for the free ECOtality charger! Did you ever sign up for the home assessment? I was wondering if the ECOtality lottery for the free charger was only selected from the pool of folks who signed up for the assessment. Again, congrats! I would have been jumpin for joy if I had been picked!
People who were eligible for EV Project (and thus were given a special set of questions during Leaf reservation) were not asked to do the assessment at all.
each manufacturer recieved government money for 4,700. If Nissan got 11,000 then ford and gm would be eligible also. THough I support EV's and like supsidies, there are $10B in incentives, loans, and grants and this is quite enough tax payers money. It seems to be working. Nissan is building a battery plant in tennesee. JCI=saft was given battery development money and will have batteries in 1000 ev transit connect ford delivery vans a year. Only a certain number of cities need to be wired to prove viability, then industry, not governement can pay the lions share of this. Just be happy your government is giving you $7,500 to buy the car you want.
Does that mean people who signed up on the ECOtality website and then received their Leaf registrations ($99 deposit signup) where the special instructions were presented already knew they would be sure to get that free charger? Also, have you seen any postings from folks in the San Francisco Bay Area regions (North, East, Peninsula etc) who got a free charger? I didn't see anyone reporting a free charger who was from the SF Bay Area.... Thx.
I'm not sure if anyone who just signed up at ecotality were included. When you reserved Leaf at Nissan site, if your Zip code matched one of the areas where free EVSE was going to be installed - few extra questions were asked. Only those are being considered, AFAIK. No, bay area is not a EV Project area.