The Official Rants and Trolls Thread

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by daniel, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    2-2 keystrokes? Lazy Bastards.
  2. bredekamp

    bredekamp Member

    Feb 27, 2007
    Somerset West, South Africa
    2006 Prius
    OMG, I lived in a townhouse complex an I can say I heard the neighbours have loud screaming porno sex late at night. I don't live there anymore.

    Get a room!:D
  3. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    more bad WA drivers :(

    I can think of three recently. :( All of these were in the past week or so even though I hardly drive much anymore.

    - I was stuck behind a (apparently elderly) guy who was driving a black smoke belching Peugot (diesel, I think) CRAWLING on the road (~15 in a 35 mph zone, IIRC) w/no means of passing.
    There was a green right arrow ahead, but of course, he was going so slow, by the time we got to the light, it was red and cross traffic was moving. If he'd be going to a decent speed, we'd have made while the arrow was still green.
    - When I was being picked up after getting my Z serviced, some nut in a suddenly BMW changed into a left lane w/o signaling (and looking, I guess) right in front of another car, almost causing an accident. "Woah!" I said. That same nut almost immediately went back into the right lane and then turned right into a parking lot.
    - Today, I and a CR-V next to came to a stoplight that was red. After the pedestrian finished crossing, the CR-V decided to go straight, right thru the red light. :rolleyes:
  4. DavidA

    DavidA Prius owner since July 2009

    Jul 14, 2009
    Chicago western burbs
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    So here's the deal. I have read through most of this rant/troll thread of daniel's and have not been brought to any sort of rage whatsoever. I expected some sort of internal emotional upheaval somewhere past page ten after reading other's problems but nothing has yet happened. Haven't even worked up a sweat. Perhaps its just because I know my evening ice cream is but a half hour away and nothing in this world is going to deny me of that experience. Unless it isn't there when I open the freezer. Yeah, that would do it.

    So what can I do? What will get me upset enough to post a really violent-filled tirade? The last few days have been almost event free. Haven't got pissed in at least a week. I've read all of Tony's PHV reports and I can't even get the whole jealousy thing going. Should I temp fate and try to get myself in a volatile confrontation?

    Oh, Here's something - I just watched ABC's Nightline and that might have helped. Just google "Consequences will never be the same" for more details about rage/rant stuff. But since that's third party rage, it doesn't really help me except for amusement.
  5. rpatterman

    rpatterman Thinking Progressive

    May 21, 2008
    Boulder, Colorado
    2004 Prius
    Ok, I have not ranted in awhile....but why do people complain about reading 10 pages of a 123 post tread? Don't they know they can put 40 posts per page? Makes reading LONG treads, much easier.

    Also why do posters refer to the last post as the "above post"?
    Don't they know they can show "lastest post first"? Makes following LONG multiday treads much easier if the most recent posts are on page one.

    Explore the "User CP", you do have options!

    ...end rant.
    1 person likes this.
  6. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    The entire nation acts like it has ADD....a program said 7% have it and at least 60% behave like they do. You can see the collective short-term memory of Americans in ways like a few months after a big price hike at the pump they go back to guzzling the gas.

    At CleanMPG, I will post news articles and it's obvious some skim for five seconds, post a tantrum that will look silly for everyone else that read the whole article. Stuff like an article is clearly dated 1979 to put things in perspective with today, and someone will rant: "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!! WE @!$$#$@ DON'T DO THAT!!!" :rolleyes:

    Another problem with posters behaving as if they have ADD is I've seen flamewars cool off then a skimmer throws fuel on it with a rant. :(
  7. octavia

    octavia Active Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Beautiful Oregon
    2010 Prius
    I just went to the dr. for an apt. with the physicians assistant - they wouldn't even schedule me with the Dr. doing the procedure. I didn't even get to meet him until about 5 minutes before I went under- and they asked to see my id, took my picture, and then there in front of everyone gave me the 5th degree on my advance directive. I declined to answer and she refused to let it go! INSISTING that she, the receptionist, get a clear answer from me. I finally ended that part of the conversation by pointing out that I had declined to answer the question in the first place on purpose.

    I was surprised they didn't ask for a DNA sample. I've never been treated so much like a piece of meat (meat with good insurance) in my life. Of course once they had completed all "billable" tasks, they wasted no time getting my nice person back out the door, to be "not their problem" once more.
  8. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    LOL! Been there, done that!

    I had three emergency room visits that entailed injectable Benedryl. The first time, they put an IV in my hand on the side I had my wallet. Before the Benedryl knocked me out, a young, attractive admin. person came in to get my $50 co-pay. I had the money in my wallet but I could not reach in to get it. So I asked her to do it . . . to the great amusement of just about everyone including some folks passing down the hallway. I've never had my pocket picked better.

    What is funny is the ER discharged me even though I didn't have anyone there to 'drive me home.' I took time to walk around and get an espresso. Then I drove myself home.

    In contrast when I had an elective procedure, the medical 'staff' would not let me out unless there were someone to drive me home. They wouldn't even let me call a cab. Fortunately, I'd arranged to have a friend at work pick me up on his way home after work, the hospital was on the way. The next morning, he dropped me off at my car on the way into work.

    Bob Wilson
  9. Darwood

    Darwood Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Try the political forum. I'm sure the trolls in there can help you out!
  10. DavidA

    DavidA Prius owner since July 2009

    Jul 14, 2009
    Chicago western burbs
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Trolls. :mad: I detest trolls. Yes, that might do it. Thanks!
  11. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Another Rant.

    I use this thread too much...

    My latest disturbance? Expensive products in spray bottles that DON'T WORK! I can accept an occasional manufacturing defect, but it seems to be happening more and more. I'm not talking about "Dollar Store" products either, I'm talking name brand products across the spectrum. From Cleaners to Automotive Detailers and Protectants.

    It's so frustrating to need a product, grab the bottle and feel that it is mostly full, but then squeaze the trigger repeatedly and rapidly like a cornered gunman that's out of ammo. ....nothing.....or even more frustratingly to have it "prime"...squirt out a few squirts and then suddenly stop a cycle...

    I just think manufacturers are going cheaper and cheaper. If you are going to charge me $5.00 for a bottle of Bathroom Mold and Mildew cleaner? Then PLEASE make sure it's in a pump bottle that WORKS.

    Doesn't matter how good the product is, IF you can't get it out of the bottle.
  12. Airbalancer

    Airbalancer Active Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    Cobourg, On, Canada
    2010 Prius
    charge me $5.00 for a bottle of Bathroom Mold and Mildew cleaner

    WOW in Canada that bottle is $9.99 does that make you feel better:D
  13. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yes, (marginally) and when I die of some strange lung infection from the mold in my bathroom....I'll cherish the memories of my $5.00 dollar savings.
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  14. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    Entering a High Speed Roadway at 10 MPH Wth?

    I'm leaving a 45 MPH divided roadway onto a beltway cloverleaf. The guy in the
    Camry in front of me is doing all of 20 MPH on the cloverleaf. I know what's coming;
    the clown is going to come to a stop before trying to enter the 55 MPH traffic stream.

    I'm having no part of this. So, I pull to the side of the ramp and stop. Other folks
    weave past me. They look at me like I've got two heads. I'm thinking, What kind of
    fools are they? Can't they anticipate what's about to happen and stay clear?

    The clown in the Camry enters the 55 MPH traffic stream at 10 MPH, accelerating
    oh, so slowly. The traffic stream explodes. Cars jamming on their brakes and swerving
    every which way. Two cars with screaming brakes cut behind the bozo, in front of
    one of the cars that has passed me, and squeeze through the chaos using the
    break down lane.

    No collisions thankfully. I guess the clown will live to do this another day, and
    another, until what, he or somebody else gets killed/maimed.

    When the on-ramp clears, I accelerate up to 55 MPH and enter the traffic. About two
    miles down the road I catch up to the clown. He's doing 40 MPH. He's maybe
    mid-30-something... not a kid, not a senior citizen. Maybe a learning driver as there
    is a similarly aged male passenger.

    It really, really pisses me off to have people like this on the road.

    Operator's Permit/License: Who gives a god damn whether somebody can parallel park
    less than 6 inches from the curb. That's hardly a life or death situation.

    How do you stop/report/fix something like this?
  15. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Re: Entering a High Speed Roadway at 10 MPH Wth?

    Your rant is classic. Unfortunately it happens everywhere, everyday.

    I hate being behind someone who doesn't seem to "get" the merge concept. You might be able to report it...but what immediate or long term good it might do, I don't know...and unfortunately you will never stop or fix it.

    I do think how to properly merge onto a freeway should be something that is taught to new drivers, and at least the idea that you should not merge into a 55mph stream at 30 mph should be presented.

    My aunt drove almost her entire life. As she aged her skills deteriated. But I will give her credit...she realized it enough and was honest enough with herself that she adjusted. She stopped driving on the freeway when she realized she wasn't good at it anymore or it made her too nervous.

    I think some people for numerous and various reasons shouldn't be driving on the freeway. Unfortunately most of them don't realize it.
  16. teeasal

    teeasal New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
    ON, Canada
    2010 Prius
    I'm NOT supposed to agree with you and I'm supposed to be a troll? Here goes:

    WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, daniel? You intrude my peaceful day of enjoying the Prius Chat forum with your absolutely disgusting but true discription of human nature. And with a leasurely brush of stroke you describe MY WHOLE LIFE with utter accuracy.

    I HATE YOU:mad::D:cheer2:
  17. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    What's Love Got to Do With It?

    Just read the above comment, I know this is an old post but thought I would like to comment.

    I think I agree that it is mostly a mythology, or fairy tale that the universe holds one perfect person for us, and we are destined to find this soul mate. I think the "Someday My Prince Will Come" idea can be damaging.

    But then I got to thinking why does this mythology exist and why is it still here today, in an age of dating services and harmonious matches of 28 layers of compatibility?

    I think it's because humanity needs this myth for many of the very reasons you site as making it damaging.

    I will admit to seeing the movie recently Eat Pray Love which in many ways promotes the concept that if we simply release ourselves to the universe and listen to our "hearts" then there is a force that will work to move us to our betterment. I have not read the book, but in the Hollywood Movie, Julie Roberts character is increasingly unhappy in a marriage in which she is "working" to try to make "work". This results in a moment where she tearfully states to her then husband that she does not want to be married. Much of the rest of the film is her recovery and self discovery based on the idea of her releasing herself from the "failed" relationship and simply getting in touch with herself and being happy and letting the universe work its magic which quiet tidily leads to her finding another man, one in which she is happy to cross beautiful ocean waters with sinking sunsets.

    It's nice. It's a nice story. There is more to it than I just revealed, including a 17 year old girl and an arranged marriage in India. IMO despite the films attempts at being "wise" and clever, it ultimately is still the (true?) fairy tale story of a Divorced Snow White, discovering a way to forgive herself for failing, and once again discovering a New Prince Charming. ---For Me? This summer at least, it's as close to a vacation in Italy as I'm going to come, so I will admit to enjoying it, even though when I bought the ticket they might as well of stamped "Chick Flick" on my forehead. But, I'll go watch The Expendables of some other film with lots of Automobile Crashes and Explosions to find a real balance again...

    Anyway, back to my point. I think the mythology can be damaging. It can lead to people mistaking infatuation, or more likely lust for love, and making bad decisions. I think it most often correct that love does take work, and a commitment to building relationship made from both sides.

    But humanity NEEDS the myth. We need it because building a relationship IS hard. Most of us aren't going to do it, if when we first fall in infatuation or lust if we really knew how hard it's going to be to stay together for 5, 10, 15 years or a lifetime. We need to believe that the other person is meant for us, that it's fated, because in most cases if it's presented as anything else, we simply won't try.

    So I think a common arc, is a relationship born out of the wrong reasons, that evolves and if not destroyed, becomes a totally new relationship. So we turn a flawed mythology, into an imperfect reality, and if we work at it long enough and hard enough we might be lucky enough at the end and in retrospect to call it love.

    But I think embracing either extreme flawed. How many relationships would even get off the ground with total honesty from both parties? We need the mythology to grease the skids. At some point most people have to re-adjust from the glow of infatuation and lust, ego and admiration or all the emotions that bring us together and probably "work" at the relationship to continue it. But for most of us, it can't be at the beginning, it's not human nature to be honest with ourselves. When you mix Biology, with Mythology and throw in most cases it simply cannot be as honest and simple as a Business Agreement.

    Julia Roberts character tells the 17 year old girl from India that is unhappy about being married into an arranged marriage that she has meditated about her being happy with her new "arranged" husband. The girl then says her being able to "imagine" her being happy allows her to believe it is possible.

    I think it's myth on both sides. It's as much myth to believe that the universe has fated you to a relationship with a pre-destined match, as it is to believe that you can take someone you don't know, or don't like, and work at it and "create love".

    I think the best we can do is say We need the myth. Because it might be possible. And we need the possible.

    Whether that possible is an unreal predestined soul mate, or the possible is the arranged marriage that "becomes" our soul mate...when it comes to "love" the ends justify the personal means. How we come to care about someone else, is far less important than the ability to allow ourselves to care about someone else. I think love is the mythology we must constantly strive to make possible in an attempt to become more than just ourselves. Otherwise we de-evolve into the simplicity but emptiness of simple animalistic mating rituals.

    For most of us, I think the reality lies somewhere between William Somerset Maugham’s "Marriage of Convenience" and any love story of pre-destined soul mates. Love becomes the Fiction we Must make real, by any means necessary, even if cultivating that reality means embracing sometimes fatally damaging fictions.

    Sorry once again I've babbled on when I probably could have expressed this with some carefully chosen Smilies....
    :eek: :eyebrows: :wave: :kiss::rockon: :whoo::eek::(:mad: :help::fencing::kiss: :eek: :):rockon:

    So anyway, throw in New York, Italy, India, some meditation and an Elephant and there you have it.....
  18. Airbalancer

    Airbalancer Active Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    Cobourg, On, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Why do people always put the country where they can from first
    eg Polish -Canadian, French -Canadian, Germany -Canadian

    I believe you should put the new country part first
    You left your old country, so it should be second in your life
  19. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    The 'race label' that gets to me is 'African American'. Since when is American a race? And what if the person is ....Jamaican?
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  20. tfried123

    tfried123 New Member

    Aug 23, 2010
    2010 Prius
    how to post?