Toyota's "Prius Team" was nice enough to recently post some special preview details on the 2011 Prius right here in the PriusChat forums. The big news? Well, there really isn't any. Toyota will now offer the Black exterior paint color with the Bisque interior color option. This was not an option available on the 2010 Prius, but Toyota has added it based on customer feedback. No other color changes. The Prius is also receiving some slight changes in nomenclature. The first is with the Intelligent Parking Assist system. That nifty system will be renamed to "Advanced Parking Guidance System" (APGS) to follow the name it is called across the rest of the world. Eagle-eyed PriusChatters may have already noticed that the IPA system is referred to as the APGS system in the Prius manual. The other name change will be switching model names from the current Roman numerals to being spelled out (Prius IV becomes Prius Four). This change is being made to "reduce some additional confusion out there", according to Erica Gartsbeyn from Prius Product Marketing. Pricing and timing of the 2011 Prius will be announced soon in Toyota's newsroom. If history tells us anything, expect the 2011s to hit dealerships in September or October with a price increase of a couple hundred bucks over the 2010. Read the full post from Toyota's Prius Team in this PriusChat Forum thread: MY11 Prius
If Roman numerals were confusing your buyers it is no wonder that there are problems with unintended acceleration.
My thoughts exactly. You beat me to the post. Also, if Roman numerals are confusing, then it is a little easier to understand why some people buy the Prius and then rant and rave about what they did or did not get.
Nice, but a few exterior color additions would have been nice too. Regardless, I can't imagine replacing my Prius with anything but another Prius. I am still hoping Toyota will allow the Advanced Tech Package to come on the "Five" model so those who wish may buy a truly fully loaded Prius. Thanks for the heads-up.
We're not changing the contents of the packaging, so you should still be able to find a Prius Five with the AT package though given their low volume, you may need to hunt around or special order it through your dealer and wait until it arrives. Best, Erica
I always thought APGS was a Lexus thing (just like SmartAccess vs. Smart Key System), didn't realise it was a global marketing term. Good to know!
I'm sure the '11 Prius will be the best car for the money. The black with the bisque will be a hit, I know that's what I would buy! Traded my '09 GENII for my '10 GENIII I think I'll keep it for a while!! Toyota is still #1 in my book!! Thanks for the heads up!!:yo:
Here's a few questions: - Will the 2011 PHEV be listed as a Prisu VI ? - When will it (the PHEV) be delivered ?!?! - When can we (PLEASE) order one ?!?! Sorry for being a pest (ok ... not really ) Erica ... tell toyota not to ramp up the standard prius too much ... because the Prius Team and ALL of Toyota KNOWs what we are all REALLY waiting for . . . and it just has to have a plug ~ .
Danny will now have to convert the Model names in user's profile. Any change for the name of one door SKS and 3 doors SKS? I have a friend that bought Prius II thinking it had 3 doors SKS.
I don't get it. The 2011 model designation will be different than the 2010 model designation. My car will always be a Prius V, never a Prius Five.
If you guys can answer this burning question: We all have heard that ALL Prius have the same ("euro") suspension. However, when i call three Toyota Parts Department around my area, their computers list TWO SEPARATE PARTS NUMBER FOR SHOCKS and TWO SEPARATE PARTS NUMBER FOR SPRINGS, based on rim size (15" vs. 17"). That is, the 17" rims get different shocks AND springs than the 15" rims. So, seemingly, the Prius FIVE has different shocks and springs as compared to Prius TWO to FOUR. For more discussion, please see: So, my question...does the Prius V/FIVE have a unique suspension compared to the others? In Japan, this is the case. And yeah, thanks so much for the preview info!!
I'm glad you offer the better audio JBL in the III (three) and I like the packaging choices. I can name some other models where better audio not available unless Limited edition. The 3rd Gen Prius is a great looking car, so I'll stop bagging on it like in other posts. It may very well be my next car (my poor legs just ain't happy in this Gen2, my upper body is fine, lower body, not so much).
Ah crap! Does this mean that when you buy the 2011 Prius, you will whine and moan about the crappy seat adjustment in yet another thread??