Hey all, newbie here... I'm looking to replace my old 95 Pathfinder and I was looking at other old trucks...and after talking with my mother and my wife...decided to check out a lease deal on a scion xB of all cars :lol: This is my DD car and carries my gear for work...I have my fun time weekend car So, at the Toyota dealer (So Cal located) looking at the xB which I dont even like...and I decided to look at a Prius.. I have a friend with a 2nd gen and he gets all his gear to fit in it nice and pretty so I said why not. Long story short. I'm entertaining the idea of leasing this car and the current lease, im sure you all know, is $1999 drive off and $199/mos plus Tax. Yes its a good deal...but remember I'm just as happy looking for another older SUV (even though its a royal pain.) So, I'm curious what current lease have you guys gotten...and can I get better than what is offered. The dealer told me (as they always do) they would do what they could to work within my range if I'm serious. I'm hoping to get drive closer to $1000 and monthly at $200 even. Anyone think this is possible? Thanks.
There are 4 versions of the 2010 Prius, plus a few option packages, so not knowing which of the many permutations you're talking about makes getting an intelligent response difficult at best. For a lease, there are a few variables that result in your lease payment: MSRP sale price residual money factor cap reduction (down payment) lease term miles per year It's a big mistake to talk to a dealer about lease payment and down payment. Start with sale price. Then move to money factor, residual, etc., and use a lease calculator (I've posted one here many times so do a search if you're interested) to calculate the payment. Leasing can be made into a shell game by the dealer, so understanding the moving parts can help level the playing field.
Its for a Prius II....which is the stated lease deal on Toyota's website. Im working from a sale price of MSRP minus $1200. The lease calculator hasnt helped me much...or Im using a crappy one. thanks
Aren't residual and money factor set rates by the manufacturer? The wiggle room is in the sale price or can dealerships mess with the residual and MF? There is also holdback that the dealers get - supposedly a lot right now. I am picking up my Prius IV with Solar Roof Pkg tomorrow. It also has Rear Applique(?). Wheel Locks and Carpeted Mats. Doing a Sign and Drive (only 1st month payment plus DMV) - 36 mo/12K - $336/mo. Many other dealers were $40-50 more and didn't know how they could do this deal. They were bashing other dealerships trying to worry me about fees, etc. There are no bogus fees at this dealership - get prices on internet and then you when you feel comfortable with a dealer go down to it and you can definitely get them down another $20/$30 mo.
Just trying to be helpful, but if you expect relevant answers, you need to be more specific about the variables of the lease--and not expect folks to be familiar with the particular offer you're referring to. I've attached my lease calculator below.
I'd have to say NO I'd have to say NO. Leasing is all about math. Even if the lease rate was 0, you can't have a II or a III with tax included for $200 unless you have these scenarios: 1. are in a state with 0 sales tax (like Oregon?) and the 0% rate on a lease. Far as I know, that's not happening. 2. You find a dealer who's OK with losing nearly $1,000 to $1500 on a II or a III. Again, unlikely! Dianne
I went with the $2,000 down $199 per month for 3 years - Hard to beat since they throw in 2 years of free maintenance on top of covering the 3 years of repairs.
Re: I'd have to say NO Ah but I did! Just drove it home this afternoon, Black Prius III Thank you for speaking with me on the phone the other day.
there's some dealers offering zero down $199/mo on the II...just tt&l. pretty sure this is basically Dianne's deal as well...as she has 199/mo + $1250 in drive offs this is from toyotaofmilford.com
Some of Diannes prices came up a little yesterday. I got a better deal than what she was offering price-wise last week. Her prices are still very good, cant argue that.