I've had my '07 for about a month now after finally retiring my '94 Explorer. There's most definitely been a period of adjustment, but I have to say that so far the pros are far outweighing the cons (actually, only one con is specific to the car). Here's how it's breaking down for me so far: Pros: 1) Obviously, the car's incredible gas mileage. My last vehicle was a Ford Explorer and I've cut my gas expenses by almost 2/3. I'm averaging approx 51mpg so far and the average is improving as I adjust to the car. That's a nice chunk of change back into my pocket and I couldn't be happier. This alone pretty much outweighs all of the cons I've noticed. 2) The ergonomics. The more I use the car the more I'm coming to appreciate the thought that went into the design of the car's dash and the placement of the controls. Having almost all of the most frequently used controls located on the steering wheel is fantastic. 3) Sounds like a minor thing, but this car has the best AC I've ever had, and during the heat wave we've been experiencing that counts for a lot. Cons: 1) The nav system. I'm still climbing the learning curve but I'm having a hard time doing the simplest things with it. Pretty clunky interface. 2) Dealing with other drivers. Coming from years of driving an SUV it's shocking to see how many SUV drivers treat the drivers of smaller cars so shabbily. Too many people use their cars as weapons and it's just plain crazy. Not necessarily a Prius specific issue, although I do think the cars are targets for some aggressive drivers. 3) Parts. Within a week of buying the car someone attempted to steal the hub cabs. They were unsuccessful but succeeded in cracking one and scratching the hell out of the others. Maybe if these plastic POS's didn't cost so much to replace they wouldn't be a target for thieves. Then again I had the same problem with the sideview mirrors on my Explorer, so this isn't really a Prius or Toyota specific problem. That's pretty much it so far. One month in and I'm as happy as I was the day I bought it!
Congrats on your 'new' Prius! 51mpg is impressive after just 1 month. Keep up the good work. I traded in a '98 Ford Explorer for the Prius (cash for clunkers). Coming up on nearly a year of ownership, I'm still very happy. I've definately appreciated the AC these past few weeks, despite the toll it takes on mileage. I agree, the Nav system does take some getting used to. Sadly, there's an awful lot of tailgating going on. It doesn't seem to happen more in the Prius than in my previous cars, although some people say it does. Maybe Boston & NY have so many drivers and cars that the Prius doesn't become a specific target?
Congrats! And it will keep getting better :_> At least one of those cons is easy to fix: just remove the trim rings (or wheel covers, if this is a touring version, although in that case the optional 2"-wide Toyota logo hub caps are needed to help protect the hub nut).
Good idea. I'll probably just go ahead and remove the rings before someone else does it for me. There's a whole row of... ahem.... "Auto Parts Stores" a few blocks from my office and I'd rather not have to go buy my own trim rings back.
LOL, that might be true. I guess it's a matter of perception. I basically didn't care if someone tailgated me or did some other stupid thing when I was driving my Explorer because it was pretty obvious who'd be getting the worse end of the deal if there was a collision. Only problem I ever had was with the idiots that would cut me off and have to stand on their brakes because they assumed that I was the one who was going slow, not the person in front of me. Explorers don't exactly stop on a dime!
In response to Con Issue #2. I'd say it isn't a Prius specific issue. I'm currently driving a hatchback Honda Fit. I came from a mid-sized Accord, and before that small pick-ups. I really like my Fit but have noticed a lot of aggression seems to get aimed at it by other drivers. I can be going 10-15 miles above the speed limit, and still have SUV drivers and people in trucks or sports cars, angrily zoom past me like I was holding them back. I drive the Fit in the same manner and speed as I drove my Accord, the only difference I can see is how it is perceived by other drivers. I think they see "Small Hatchback" and automatically default to the idea that I must be going slow, or they must pass me immediately! I get tailgated much more. I think Prius being a hatchback and also perceived as economical and powered differently...it's a HIIIIGHBRYYD...to the ignorant...probably gets much of the same hostility aimed at it by a percentage of our driving bretheren.
I also switched from an Explorer (sport). Went from 15mpg to 48. Incredible difference. My friends are often quite jealous. I tell them not to be jealous, to go buy a Prius instead
Absolutely. Some of the best ergonomics were tossed out with the 2010 Gen III. Such as radio and climate controls on the large touch screen. Replaced with a raft of 'standard' dedicated small "eyes low and off the road", mostly non tactile, buttons. Ditto, sort of: 70 months in and I'm as happy as they day I bought it
It really is a matter of how smaller cars are perceived. Here's a little scenario from this morning's commute: Every day I pass a choke point where the highway divides with the left lane exiting and the center and right lanes continuing on. This left lane exit frequently backs up and traps some of the "fast lane" drivers. This morning I was riding in the center lane with good following distance between myself and an SUV, who in turn was using good following distance between himself and the car in front of him. HOWEVER, neither of us had sufficient space for an additional vehicle to pull in. The left lane was basically at a standstill. As we approached a van started pulling out of the left lane, noticed the SUV approaching and pulled back in since there obviously wasn't enough room between cars. But, once the SUV passed the van pulled out directly in front of me as if I wasn't even there. I should point out that this van didn't exactly have good acceleration. Good thing the pavement was dry. I didn't realize that the Prius comes with an automatic cloaking device.
I had a strong perception of increased tailgating when I first got my Prius, but now I wonder if that's not just an optical illusion, due to the car's hatch back -- a following car right at the rear window seems closer than one that's separated from it by a trunk length.
Hi All, One of the reasondI stopped trying to keep up with traffic, my previous driving style before the Prius and drive more in the hypermiling style, it to avoid being agressively tailgated, even at 10 + over the speed limit. To hell with the flow of traffic, just go slow, and get them to go around! Let them keep their prejudicial perceptions. And waste gas on their old-tech buggies. Stay in the right lane, unless the right lane is slower than you. Finished the week at 430 miles on the tank at 69.0 MPG....