I just got back from my road trip to type, GA then to Huntsville, AL then back to Chicago. The trip was a little over 2000 miles with a lot of uphill with some are rated at 8 percent grade. My average speed was 75mph and I was going anywhere from 60 to 85 but at 80-85 75 percent of the time. I was driving faster than the normal speed limit. I averaged 46 mpg the whole trip. And filled up 5 times and have half a tank left when I got home. Overall it was a great trip the ride was comfortable. There was me the wife and three kids with all our luggage in the back and still was able to close the cargo cover.
And I forgot to mention that the A/C was on auto all the time and was set at 72 with temps at 85-100 with times at over 100. Travel time onthe road was 75 percent at night.
Thanks for the informative report. Sure beats gassing up a Hummer, eh? I just returned from a 3850 mile round trip from SAN to the Dakotas with my 2006 Prius. Fuel consumption (based upon actual fill-up records) was 49.5mpg. The car was heavily loaded with "stuff". It was a flawless performance by the Prius; and, I did not capture any pheasants with my grille this time. But, I did crack the windshield near Rock Springs, WY. (DAMN Oil Service Truck shedding gravel!) Oh well....
Next time you're in Huntsville, send me a PM 'shout out' and we'll share some Prius technology. Bob Wilson