No, your 2008 is fine. I want a pic of the Generation 2 (NHW20). I want a picture of the side of the seat -- the height adjust lever. Thanks, Eric
Maria - I can't help noticing that you have a loose rubber mat on top of a fabric mat on top of the carpet. Are you aware that this arrangement has been blamed for jamming the throttle pedal and causing loss of control?
odd I thought I had replied anyway yeah Im aware of that. But its a short mat, and unfortunately I need it cause usually my shoes end up very muddy. Ill have to stick with that until I find something better
just make sure if it slides forward, the bottom of the pedal can't catch on it. and practice shifting to neutral and holding the power button for 3 seconds until it shuts off. we don't want to lose you!
lol gotcha it does slide slightly upwards, but not all the way up there and I made it a habit to fix it back into position everytim eI re-enter my car
Maybe stick the hook part of Velcro tape on the back of your mat? I've noticed that the hook part of Velcro grabs pretty well on fuzzy carpeting.
Maria, Are the pictures of two different seats? The lower photo looks to have a much thicker cushion. Were these seats installed after purchase? Are they sold thru Toyota? Thanks
upper pic is distorted. Same seats though. You could buy a left hand H/A seat in Italy, for example, butchya cain't buy one here in the US. Sad but true, kinda .. since Toyota's tag for a shiny new driver's seat is about $2,500 last time I checked. Seat from junkyard - $75 (junk) to over $600 (good ones)