This is what I got today driving back on my commute (3,6L/100km disp = 3,78L/100km with error included = 62 MPG)...:rockon: (external temp 30C, A/C set to 23C, ECO mode, 215/40R17 stock tires, nominal tire pressure). There was even a bit more traffic than usual... I think I can be proud of my purchase - goal accomplished!
See edit. It's hard to get 37C/97F here. This weekend we should reach 35-36C though and let's see what happens. I will likely re-drive the same route...
You did get that 3,6 l/100km too, congratulations! I paste this my picture again here. Mines is done in external temp 20 C, AC off, ECO mode on and with 205/55-16 tires with 3 bars pressure. No traffic, but in public road from summer house to home. I am in love to my snow white.. :cheer2: Ou, and two people onboard...
Nice 3.6 pakitt Here's my screen from yesterday's driving, I think I hit 3.6 at one point but by the end of the day I was very pleased with a respectable 3.7L computed. I didn't gas up, so can only estimate the calculated, but after 10 fill-ups the car is averaging about 6% high which would equal 3.92L or 60 mpg U.S. or 71.98 mpg Imp. Mostly rural roads and small towns, some highway but not to much. Over pretty flat roads with a few hills. Stock tires, pressures all at 38 cold. Temp here lately has been brutal!! High yesterday was 34c or 93f with a humidex/feels like topping at 44c or 111f. The car temp read 22c/73f at 04:30 in the morning when I left the house and sat between 33c-36c for most of the day. So needless to say I ran the AC, actually I usually do run the air and the car was in ECO mode for the day. I guess what I was most happy with at days end (beside the 3.7 ), was that my SOC still showed 6 bars on it. My best has been 3.0 over 22kms but the SOC was at 2 bars. Yes be Proud to be a Prius owner Side story:I had ours in for the first service on Tuesday and while it was in the shop I was looking at a rather nice looking Rav with a sport package, looked pretty good until I saw the MPG rating of 11L highway and 7L city (I think) and all I could think was WOW I get edgy now if I'm even close to 5L ...LOL good post, thanks for sharing.
L/100km depends so much on the geograph on where you live The area that I live in is pretty hilly so that really kills the mileage The best I have gotten was 4.1 l/100km for 89 km Over the last 10 months, 25,000km we are avg 5 l/100km
yep summer is here. looking at those 60 mpg tanks again. just filled up the other day. havent posted that one yet. now our weather has been cold up until 2 days ago, so the numbers not all that impressive. i think i probably hit around 55 on the actual fill #'s
Outside temp 94 AC set on 75 lets say 70% highway between 55 & 60mph. Car has under 300 miles... Howm I doin?
I got 48 MPG on first tank. Only used one pip on my second tank so far and the HSI is showing 43 MPG. I do not accelerate much, I try to stay in the ECO region of the HSI in ECO mode. I am not expecting 60 or 70 MPG but expect 50+ MPG on Gen III Prius should be reasonable. What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions appreciated.
I set my AC on auto at 78 degrees and it is still cool enough. I'll bet is very hilly where you live. I get up to 80 MPG on 15 mile trip into town down 1200' elevation and only 30 MPG on return trip.
Hi and congrats on the new Prius ... my advice is to give it time. Besides 48 mpg on the first tank isn't to bad at all. The car needs to break-in some and you will adjust as well, sounds like you are doing most things right. As Chrisengst pointed out above keeping your AC on auto and near the outside temp once the car cools down help FF. Also when you use ECO it reduces the fan speed a bit to. You can find LOTS of good threads on how to improve you mileage by just doing a quick search. Here are few to start you off: One of our members Hobbit did a great write-up on the HSI here: HSI The main thing is to give it time and enjoy your new ride. Hope this helps.
Thanks for all the info. Prius chat rocks! I guess we will have to wait and see. By 'break-in', how many miles are we talking?
Average speed seems pretty low as does the total mileage driven. How are you guys doing over a full tank and do you ever average higher speeds? I'm not knocking your accomplishments because even in the best conditions I cannot achieve such high numbers but it is good to put everything into perspective.
as stated, any in town driving will push your average speeds down. i did a trip to Salem about a month ago. had about 150 miles on the tank when i started and with a 3½ hour drive at 60+ mph, my average was only in the upper 30's. the average speed is "on time" so idling at lights, etc all reduce the average. its too bad that we dont have a A/B meter we can set for individual trips like the MPG screen... hmm, no where is that 2014 Prius suggestion thread??
True, average speed is usually much lower than your highway average speed. 24mph (OP) seemed kinda low though. I have to remember that not everyone has California type driving conditions or commutes like mine. lol