My 2010 Prius IV has been a dream. In the 10 months that I have owned it, I have not had to go to the dealer for any repair except the recall and an oil change. This is the 12th car I have owned and all the other cars have had to be brought back to the dealers for repairs throughout the first year of ownership. If I won the Power ball tomorrow, I would not get another car. I love my Prius that much.
Swap ya. Mine's off in again on Monday to try and fix a squeak on the passenger seat. Has already been in once for this and had parts replaced. Maybe it's a minor issue but it's driving me insane listening to the continuous squeaking when I drive about 50 mph.
Mine is now two and half years and 50 000 miles and I never had to change a bulb yet, or anything else, for that matter. The only repair I have done so far was a change of one of the underbody plastic panels I ripped off when I hit a curb at a parking lot, because I misjudged the clearance of the car off the ground. But this can be hardly blamed on the car .
My mom's 96 Camry V6 went MANY years before needing any repairs. In fact, before it was totaled in an accident in 08, it had fewer problems than my 04 Nissan 350Z had by that time.
There is a TSB on this from 2006. The complaint is shared by virtually all Toyota models and some Scion and Lexus. Must be from a common manufacturing/assembly process. Squeaky Front Seat
driven 3 Pri's over 6 years and only thing i ever took any of them in (besides oil changes) is once my Fob started working erratically. this was my 2004 pkg 1 w/o SKS. occasionally, it would not open the door, forcing me to use the manual key. they reprogrammed it, but it still happened every so often; not a lot but maybe once a month or so. but then i moved, and it stopped completely. not sure why, but i usually used the fob when walking on sidewalk that was between two building of the complex i lived in and the two units on the corner of their respective buildings were sharing cable internet via wi-fi and i would generally be in the middle of their signal. dk if that is the culprit, nor if reprogramming the fob did any good.
Which is probably why they were so quick to replace these parts. However, the squeak or metalic rattle still occurs and appears to be from deep within the back of the seat at the bottom. If I tap it in this place it rattles. At least I can get it to happen at will instead of the usual dealer conversation of "well it normally does this...". I'll find out Monday.
I have said it before. Does anyone really believe that companies that offer extended warranties lose money? They are extremely profitable. There are a very small amount of people that make out. Just like Vegas, it is a gamble. The house always wins in the long run. The odds are calculated against you. In Ohio we have Keno. On the back of the card it shows the odds. They range from 32:1 to 4:1. I never understand why people play. It is clear that ever 4 dollars you play you get 1 back, best case (over time).
It seems logical to me that a company would not be in the business of selling extended warranties if they expected to lose money on it. All insurance is that way, you are buying it because you want to be protected if you are one of the small minority who has to use it. Granted, some people can save their money and have a fund for these unexpected things but many more can't or don't. Just my humble opinion.
My '04 Prius had The Stall the first 5 months of ownership. Had the TSB done for the stuck gas gauge (Guess gauge) and fuel filler pipe a couple of years later. The headlights from delivery were so grossly misaimed that on low beam the tops of trees were lit up. The A/C developed a nasty stench after a couple of seasons Asides from that, no real problems With my FJ, the only real issue after 3 years was the passenger door stop made a ClackClack noise when you opened the door. I was tempted to Lemon Law the FJ Kidding. Otherwise it has been perfect. But I did research before buying it and avoided the 6 speed manual transmission. Those appear to have trouble with the clutch material, throwout bearing, etc
I now have 18,000 miles on my year old G3-IV. No issues whatsoever. Fantastic machine; wonderful in town, and comfortable on a recent 4500 mile trip. I can only imagine 2-3 things the Prius does not do well: pull a trailer; wade through high water; push through deep, heavy snow. Thanks Toyota
It's definitely flaw that should not have happened. Toyota gets no free pass from me. But I can say it pales to the trials I've had with the big (or not so big these days) 3. GM: Steering wheel catching on fire. Chrysler: Transmission spontaneously disassembling in the middle of an intersection. Ford: Complete loss of acceleration/power as transmission goes wonky. I think Toyota has some work to do in regaining a reputation for solid reliability, but I can see where someone would be pleased in comparison to some brands with their Prius. That said, the whole rattle/noise/squeak thing plaguing so many with the Prius is inexcusable.
I am right there with the OP, 10 months and nary a problem, not even a rattle. The Prius and my wife's 2007 Honda Accord are the first two cars that I have owned that have not had problems in the first year and needed numerous trips to the dealer to resolve. I understand that especially Ford and now GM are getting better on quality and I hope they continue to get better and can get on par with the Japanese.