I need help. I'm thinking of getting my Prius tint later today and I got a price quote for ceramic window tint all around for $495. Is that a good price?
That sounds high. I paid $282 for ceramic tint on all windows except windshield. Job done by Tint King in Massachusetts in September 09.
Hmm... I know that sounds kinda high too, but I don't see anyone else is doing it in Los Angeles, CA. What do you think of ceramic thint. Does it really block a lot of heat (I know the weather now is still cold). Can you also post some pictures and the percentage of your tint. Thanks.
Ceramic does block more heat than 'regular non-metallic' tint, but for the price difference (pay around $120 for regular non-metallic tint for all windows, no windshield) it's not worth it IMO unless you're parking outside in 100+ degree sunny day weather for 8 hours straight. But even then, I would try alternative methods of blocking out the heat, like getting the heat shield sunshades from the Prius Shop. Better heat rejection than ceramic tint and overall cheaper.
I went to Tint Plus in OC... here is the URL... Automotive Car window tinting Pinnacle - Tint Plus I put Air Blue 80 on the front Windsield, cuts 99% UV, and the rest of the car Pinnicle 50. That also cuts 99% UV and about 38% IR. Paid about $600, but looks DAMN GOOD. PM me for more info if intrested!!
In late 2006, installed Solar Guard Quantum metallic for my wife's 2007 Prius in limo shade. Last year we put Solar Guard Ultra Performance nano / ceramic for both our 2010 Prius vehicles one shade lighter than limo (to most closely match the bottom rear hatch window). Our opinion is that the ceramic tint works noticeably better for heat rejection though it appears lighter. The "interference" pattern one sees through the film at the right angle is also much more uniform and less distracting with the ceramic tint than the metallic. The reflection / color of the ceramic is less dramatic than the metallic so it has a more subdued stock or factory like appearance to it. I believe we paid about $350 for the back windows for ceramic with lifetime warranty in San Diego. The installer we used said ceramic was $100 more than the metallic no matter what brand of film he installed. I definitely was aware of others in San Diego that installed for less ($275) but the most important part of the tint job is the quality and backing by the installer.
Good to hear about ceramics. I'm getting the Pinnacle in a few weeks. Question: Are the rear hatch windows already tinted a bit? I'm getting Pinnacle 50 on all side windows and I'm wondering if it will match the hatch windows as they currently are. I'm concerned if I do 50% all around(except windshield - illegal here), the rear hatch will be darker.
I used Pinnicle 50 on my 08, LOOKS GREAT!!! I also used Airblue 80 for windshield. Hatch window looks the same as the rest of the sides!! Windshield is clear, with 98% UV protection in the front!!
Lower hatch glass is darker than the higher hatch glass. Here's a post showing the actual light transmission for all the windows: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...61167-2010-prius-window-specs.html#post840041
I could tell that the lower hatch is darker than the upper, which is why I asked. So it looks like the upper hatch is same as the side windows, in which case I will tint with 50% as well. Thanks much to all.
I revived this thread after searching for posts on Pinnacle on the prius. I am also thinking of using Pinnacle on the Prius (mine is Gen III) I am trying to decide between the Pinnacle 40 and the Pinnacle 50. In North Carolina, the law is 35%, and I don't want to fail my annual inspection. Alot of people are putting 35 on their windows, but the existing tint on the windows plus the tint film will make it too dark to be legal. I don't know if the Pinnacle 40 will pass either. The safest bet is Pinnacle 50. I am glad that you posted this picture of what Pinnacle 50 looks like. It actually looks dark enough for me. I don't want it to be too dark anyway. I am also considering the Air Blue 80 for the windshield. I know that it would not be legal, so will inspectors and police notice the tint on the windshield when they walk up? If they bring out their tint meter to check the side and back windows, will they also check the windshield?
I would be scared to get the windshield tinted because our Prius is a rock magnetic A week after we got it we got a stone chips, a week after we got the windshield changed we got stone chips :doh:
My husband would get a kick out of this question because he hasn't been pulled over by a cop for over 30 years but I have fairly regular (annual) interaction with them. Anyway, I would never put tint on my windshield because it can distort my view and at 50+ years of age, I need all the clarity I can get. As for the existing window tint, my tint shop told me there is a variance in our state law that allows for a little extra darkening to account for the manufacturer's tint. However, if you have an SUV or similar with rear 'privacy' windows and your state law limits the tint on rear windows, you may have an issue. In any case, I'd check with your local tint shop before assuming the existing tint is an issue for you.