My friends 2001 with 100K miles has repairs (engine) that would cost more than the car is worth. Any suggestions on what she should do with it one will buy it now with all that needs fixing....comments welcome! Thanks.
My suggestion would post this in the forum related to that model year. You'll probably get more relevant responses there.
While this is in the 'wrong' thread for a 2001 Prius, I am not clear on what your 'friend's' issue is. Does he have repairs which are NEEDED on his 2001 Prius, and is contemplating whether to repair it prior to selling the car? Or is the issue that your friend had the repairs done, which ended up costing more than the car was worth to begin with? We can all make comments, but are you seeking a solution, or just a place vent about the issue itself? I am not sure what value a 2001 Prius (with a bad engine) would be, or what the costs of the repairs are. I would think that in order for anyone here to give you an intelligent response, we should get an idea of the costs involved, and how you are assessing what the car is worth today. Only then could accurate ideas be shared with your friends best options in this situation. Beside, there may also be the value of hard to find parts for this car, if it is not reasonable to repair it, and would possibly worth a lot less, parting it out may be their best choice?
Was this the same 2001 posted about in 2006? We will need more facts and data and certainly the thread belongs over in the "Gen I" forum. It would also help to understand what region or city the car is in. Bob Wilson
Did not realize there was a Gen I form....just a II and III....would have posted there....cost of repairs (estimated $5,000) in good not great shape...never wrecked...she just paid it off....estimated value $5,800 (Kelly Blue Book)...guy is trying to find some parts from a pick-and-pull but no luck so far....this is a South Texas car...
How about starting a fresh thread over there with more details: diagnosis - especially the codes symptoms - location of car - dealer or driveway We've got one active Texas poster who is planning some EV work and looks to be technically astute. Also, knowing more about the problem, sometimes (more rarely) we can help with suggests that can significantly reduce costs and get the car rolling again. We also have a 2010 Prius and the folks here are pretty tolerant but there is a certain stubborn persistence and growing 'attitude' of current NHW11 owners . . . Ok, so I'm projecting <grins> I know, see if the owner will post over in Gen I so we can share directly with her. Bob Wilson
Well, you've indicated that your friend is looking for salvage parts which makes sense. If parts can't be located locally you might try a national search, for example on eBay Motors. Based upon your post above it sounds like the engine needs to be replaced. Normally there isn't much demand for Prius salvage engines (because they are quite reliable) so the salvage prices are generally low. If the cost of repairs even when using salvage parts is greater than the car's value, then it would make sense to tow that car to the junkyard and be done with it. Good luck.
Thanks Mr. Wilson, Our school (BonhamISD - Bonham, Texas) does accept vehicle donations, and will give the individual a "Donation Letter" which can be used for tax purposes. I'm not exactly sure how that works out, but, I suspect a person could take the estimated value of the vehicle from their taxes.