Hi All, I am bumed out big time!! Literally blocks from here, the American solar challenge finished its midwest race on Saturday. Did I hear about it anywhere here, from local media, from the organising group, NO! 17 High Tech solar racers went right down the roads I commonly drive, day in and day out. There was a finish line at a High School I attended. But who knew about this? Not me ! Damn Damn Damn Damn DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN !!!!!
These types of events are held by & for the enthusiasts. There is very little publicity or notice. Off & on I've looked for the results of the 21st Century Automotive Challenge in Pennsylvania but haven't found anything in ~6 weeks. If you didn't already know about Watkins Glen chances are you aren't going to discover the rally. I suspect PR people aren't EV club members.
wow that close?? that would be a bummer. i would think they would have some sort of festival, put the racers on display afterwards... wondering who is sponsoring this?? would think they would do something to raise some additional revenue
To me it's a shame. The American solar challenge used to generate news coverage and at one time more than 70 schools challenged for 40 spots. I was once involved with the ASC and the Sunrayce before. GM was a huge sponsor and so was the DOE. GM pulled, then it got Bushwhacked and the DOE dropped. The last few years it was essentially paid for by Crowder college, with a smaller amount for Toyota. Toyota now has bigger issues to deal with. Unfortunately the ASC is expensive to run. No corporate interest. In some way, there is also a culture among the organizers, of having corporate funding... So in the last few years they were doing less with less. In this day and age this type of event, which creates people of the future who can meet the engineering challenges required to save the environment, is necessary more than ever.
Unfortunate. Sorry Donee -- I empathize on many levels. The good news is now we all know it exists, and I bet a website is up. Hope to see some of you next year Addendum:[ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Solar_Challenge[/ame]