I've not given much credence to the claims of danger from a silent Prius, but a cat who likes to lay on warm asphalt in my neighborhood is trying my beliefs. It lies in the middle of the road, I drive up to it, and eventually it raises its head and gives me a look like "what?". The same thing happened today with a garage sale a couple of houses down. I'm there but a guy crossing the street seemed oblivious until his daughter tugged his sleeve and points to me and he gives me a look like "what?". There may be less engine noise, but come on. If you are aware at all, you have to hear the tires at least.
Cat's give that reaction all the time. We work around them, didn't you know? As far as the guy crossing the street, I've often wondered how some people have survived as long as they have given their lack of awareness. I'm always amazed by how many people just walk without looking anymore. I guess we don't teach to "look both ways before crossing" in today's society.
I have a housecat so lazy, I have to vacuum around him. I can actually use the vacuum powerhead to nudge him out of the way
You really have not figured out that you are living in the Cats world, and your just part of it! As far as the Old Timer goes, it's a Mother Nature thing, as the senses go south, so do the survival statistics! Oh, well!!!!
A neighbor's cat does the same thing in the middle of the street outside my house. I even stopped short, got out of the car and tried to shoe it away. Just gave me a dumb stare. (I finally moved him/her). Cat's not long for the world. Warning bell/beeper/hideous noise maker would have done nothing in that case.
Next time this happens, drive straight at the cat as fast as the all electric mode will push your Prius. My guess is that the cat is "playing chicken." if my hunch is correct, the cat will move at the last second, without consequence. If I'm wrong, this test will, ever so slightly, elevate the average intelligence in the feline gene pool.
Last weekend, DH had to get out of the car and shoo baby ducks out of the way of our Prius. One of our friends, who drives a Mustang, said he had to stop and chase them out of the way himself on that lane. It isn't the sound, it's the awareness. That cat is used to having people/cars/bikes go around.
A duck actually flew right across me and hit my windshield!! I was on traction battery only at the time. Geez, Toyota owner's manual didn't warn me about this!
Back to the "people" comment by the OP. We all have to remember that our cars are quiet, and cannot necessarily be heard by pedestrians. Last week as we approached our neighbor's house with our AC on and fan on high (i.e. noisy on the inside) our neighbor jumped a mile when he suddenly saw us as he walked down his driveway towards the road. He told us he couldn't hear our car (2010 Prius) at all. We Prius drivers must always remember this. Pedestrians should pay attention, but as well all know, they often don't. Maybe bad hearing, maybe an Ipod, maybe they are deep in conversation or just thinking about something else. Bottom line, we have to watch out for them. I agree that cats rule....