I just took a used smart key to get programmed to my 08. The dealer said that they CANNOT re-program it because it was still programmed to the previous owner's car. Of course, they sold me a new key for big bucks... Is this information correct about these keys? They cannot be re-programmed if they are still programmed to a previous car? Thanks!
The dealer is correct. In fact the fob is not programmed, the car is programmed to accept a new fob. Due to the rolling codes, after a fob has been used xx times (don't remember the number) it cannot be used with a different car as a Smart key.
Thank you. So much for saving $ on Ebay. I assume the other car could have "un-programmed" it, but since it didn't it's useless. THANKS!
You can use the fob as a dumb fob. Each Smart Key fob has two systems: the SKS, or Smart Key System, and the older traditional key fob system. The SKS enables the automatic door unlocking and the ability to start the car with the fob in your pocket. The dumb part of the system is used when you stick the fob into the dash slot. You can take the used fob and program it yourself to work as a dumb fob, assuming you still have at least one working fob. Instructions can be found here: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...lly-how-program-non-sks-key-fob-detailed.html Tom
Keep in mind that the buttons on the "dumb" fob will not work. The only function that will work is being able to start the car with the fob in the slot.
Get a duplicate mechanical key made, grind to fit the space in the fob, insert in the dumb fob you just got and programmed per the above link and you have a useful spare key to take with you when you travel. Better than carrying your two fully functional SKS fobs since if you lose both of those its $$$'s at the dealer to fix that. This way you can leave one of the two at home.
Thanks! I am curious, though, how many fobs can be programmed to the car? I am concerned that since I now have 2 working fobs, if I try to program the "ebay" fob to just start the car (w/fob in key hole), could I possibly de-program either of the other keys? Thanks!
You can program at least four smart keys. It may even be five, but I don't recall for certain. I don't believe the dumb fob will count toward this limit, but even if it did you still have room. Tom
My experience with keys differs with what's been said here so I thought I'd post for others. I own 2005 Prius (though I believe what I've found holds for other Toyota/Lexus cars, too) After we bought our Prius we immediately added another key as we had 3 drivers. I buy all my keys on ebay. Over the years we lost and replaced keys (all bought on ebay). When we went to add the 5th key (which was definitely used by the way); we hit the lifetime limit of 4. I called Toyota and they explained that you can have the dealer "reset the computer" and re-program all the keys again. We went to the dealer with this new information and 2 hours later all three keys worked again (all as smart keys not manual keys). So I've learned. you can buy used keys on ebay and program them to the car up to 4 keys lifetime it is one hour of programming for the key to be added over 4 keys lifetime and need to add 5th; then it is 2 hours of programming to "reset the computer" and re-program all the keys.
That is correct. To do it you need the Toyota programmer that connects via the OBDII port, which only dealers have.
Not all dealers can reset the computer. To do it, they need to have a special account with Toyota, then call on the phone to get a new seed number. This number must be entered into their special programming tool within a short period of time, or it becomes useless. Some dealers don't want the expense of the special account, others don't want the bother. If you dealer is one that will, you can reuse old Smart Keys, but the cost of programming is higher. Make sure to include that in any price comparison. Tom
Not true. Anyone can buy it if they're prepared to pay $8,000. Also, anyone in the Associated Locksmiths of America's National Automotive Service Task Force's Professional Registry can get the information to reset the Certification ECU (which authenticates Smart Keys). It may even be possible to do it with the $1,300 Techstream Lite software - which is the same as the $8,000 Techstream except that you supply the computer hardware (it runs on Windows) - and you only get a cable that works with the DLC3 diagnostics connector rather than the rugged cables and connectors that also support the older DLC1 and DLC2 sockets. Art's Automotive have both the tools and the membership of the Professional Registry. They state on their website both what they can do and what it will cost. They claim to be able to reprogram used Smart Keys (ones that have previously been associated with a vehicle) but will not guarantee it.
This is my 1st post. Recently, I used the dealer's "replacement key insurance" which cost $250 at the F & I meeting when our used '08 was purchased. I turned in my defective key, plus my wife's OK one. About an hour later, I had one new key plus my wife's. I'm interested to know how this could affect lifetime key allotments. Thanks, - ctdane