We haven't seen a birthday thread in awhile, but, since this is a big one, it's time. If the little note at the bottom of my screen is correct, this is our dear friend (and esteemed moderator) Tony's 40th birthday! Happy birthday, old man. arty::horn:
Happy Birthday, Tony! All the other stuff that happened on [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_19"]June 19[/ame]
Proco, you're buying dinner if we do! I've been trying to figure out: Is it that I have wisdom beyond my years or is it that others have years beyond their wisdom? Thanks guys for the well wishes. I want you to know that as I age not-so-gracefully that I refuse to act my age. Also, when I grow old I shall wear purple.
That's a heart warming poem, Tony, but your desire to become an old woman is surprising. :brick: As for wearing purple, go for it. Just be prepared for the consequences.
Just think, time will now start flowing faster, another day older, another day bolder!!! Happy B'day Mr.T!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Tony. I had a lot of fun in my forties. Then when I became 49 I thought it was all over, but then I had a lot of fun in my fifties. I am still having fun so, go for it, you have a lot of time. Go buy some purple underwear. Surprise your other half. C Cheers
You're on. At least I know you won't be ordering the filet mignon. Just don't go thinking it's a date because I'm buying.
Welcome to the Grumpy Buggers club. I've been a member for 5 years now, and yes the days do appear to be getting shorter and shorter