I am trying to figure out if my solar panel is functioning or not. The manual says that after one minute the air circulation flow control should change and 10 minutes later the ventilation should start, if parked in bright sunshine and if the switch is activated before switching the ignition off. I parked the car in bright sunshine, no shaddow. The solar panels were clean and unobstructed. I stayed in the car to see what happens. I had set the air flow control to lower feet only and indoor circulation, so the solar system would need to switch it to outdoor circulation and upper level to work. With the ignition on, I pressed the solar ventilation switch then I switched the ignition off a few seconds later. I waited 1 minute, nothing happened! The ventilation flow routing did not switch to outdoor and there was no noise. I waited 15 minutes and nothing happened (except me starting to sweat a lot!). Is there a better way to check the solar system function before I go to Toyota to ask them to check it? Thanks!
Hi There, Don't mess with the modes when testing. Leave the Climate control in auto and the switch set for Solar air on before turning the car off. Then wait the time mentioned in the manual (1 min or 10 min, I can't remember which). The noise if easy to hear and the air flow is substancial so you won't miss is coming on. Cheers. Hoffy
Hi Patrict .. congrats on the car I echo what Hoffy has said and would only add this; Make sure the switch is actually in the on position (almost flush to the dash) and not off (slightly out) it can be hard to tell. I have mine on all the time and works good. When you have the car started turn it on and then just leave it, you will notice the airflow when it is working and can even hear the fan from the outside if you are close and there isn't much other noise around. Enjoy
Thanks to both of you. I tried again in Auto mode and it worked after 10 minutes. I could hear the noise and feel the air blowing gently. However, it did not seem to work continuously but rather would ventilate for about 20 seconds then shut down and start again about 20 seconds later, with the cycle continuing for a while. I did not try it for long so I don't know if it will eventually switch to continuous on. Perhaps the interior of the car was not hot enough for it to work continuously...
There is a 10 minute time delay before the solar panel blower starts in order to to retain any cool air that is already in the cabin when the car is shut off.
It depends on the interior temperature and the angle of the sun. In the morning or late afternoon, it'll do the cycling. In the middle of the day, it's blowng continuously and sometimes hard enough that you can probably stay in the car and stay relatively cool (relatively being depending on the outside temp, you may be sweating a little but you won't die of heat exhaustion at the worse...). Oh and of course, try to park the car facing north (so the panels are facing south) for maximum exposure to the sun. P.S. I noticed you finally managed to change the package P.P.S. Dan, where'd you get that licence plate cover?
I must have been blind when I chose the package option to start with as I had never seen anything for the Canadian market on the list... Today I saw that other people did have the Canadian option so I went back to edit and I realized that I needed to scroll UP (not down) in the drop down menu to get to the Canadian options! I really did not see those options before!
Tideland ... I pick them up at Canadian tire, under $20 for the pair. Edit: Also forgot to mention .. all good points you made, especially about parking facing north, never thought of that, thanks. Dan
Ahh... yeah I never thought to ask you to scroll up either . I just assumed it always started at the top. oh what? Darn it! I've been to CT and I never saw it there... Oh well, the Toyota one is only $12 (each) so only a little more expensive. Thanks. It's only because my work's parking lot is north-south oriented so I always park with the car facing north (cause I don't have a heatshield yet)... then it clicked in . Ah ha! I did sit in the car today in 27°C temps programming the nav with the solar fan running. Again, it's not unbearable (you can always point the vents towards you) but it's definitely cooler and less stuffy.