Hate to break it to you, but this isn't SoCal: * My main problem with tailgaters is in the slow lane of multilane highways. I'm not pulling over across shoulder line, and those who don't like it can pound sand on the trunk of a state patrol car; * for single lane roads, that is not the law anywhere I have been licensed. The impeding traffic rules here apply only to those traveling below speed limit. Why is it that among extreme tailgaters who want me to either go faster than the speed limit, or pull off the road because they can't bother to pass in the safe passing zones, I see a disproportionately high number of California plates? Its as if they feel a birthright to practice their aggressive tactics on the home turf of other cultures. I particularly liked the CA driver who rode my butt for 15 miles through a known safety/enforcement zone, declining a number of passing zones, only to finally pass inside the one well marked speed zone (35) and fly around the corner at around 70. Two corners later, the local officer was collecting the billing information for her 'contribution'.
It amazes me that there is so much angst on both sides, about a situation that BOTH parties seem to find acceptable and allow to continue. The tailgatee fumes about the guy on his bumper, but is unwilling to get off the road or speed up, while the tailgator fumes about the guy in his way, but is unwilling to pass or flash lights or honk. If you're not willing to do something about the situation, then you have chosen to accept it - now shut the hell up and deal with it. The fact is, everyone with a valid driver's license has the same right to use the roads as everyone else, within the applicable LAWS. Anyone making up their own "rules" is full of sh*t. Period. (Doubters can pay their own fines when they see the flashy lights)
IMO ppl are overthinking it. Just ignore them and drive normal. LOL I would never pull over to let an donkey tailgater by. Call me stubborn...
Sort of funny related happening. I was once driving to work, winding side streets, near a golf course. When I look in my rearview and notice this Land Rover on my butt...I'm going the speed limit...maybe even a tad above...but this guy is right on me. The more I drive, the more his proximity is bothering me. Well since I'm driving a fully insured 15+ year old car, I decide to be as big an Idiot as him. ***Okay, I know this was an inmature reaction, I'm sorry, I don't recommend it...*** Well I slam on my brakes. This causes tail gating Landrover to Slam on his brakes in a asphalt and rubber and smoke producing Tango of ceasing momentum. No harm, no foul...although there could of been...again I admit it was stupid. Anyway, the Landrover seems to "Get It" or at least think I'm too crazy to deal with, and it backs off. 20 minutes later I pull into work. Park. Head for the door. Then Notice the Landrover pulling into the same parking lot. Turns out, driver of Landrover was a person I worked with everyday. Needless to say, the future of our working relationship was changed. No more casual conversation. Only uncomfortable silence. Moral of The Story? Well I guess either ignore Tail Gaters OR make sure you know what vehicles your co-workers drive.
Flashing lights and failing that, honking does not work. I have tried it a handful of times when encountering slow traffic on two-lane mountain roads, it worked maybe one of them. The others, they either ignored it or worse, it incited road rage on their part where they proceeded to slam on their brakes. It is much more effective to simply wait for a passing opportunity or just deal with it and not let it get to you.
The best advice so far. All of our roads are two lane, they are filled with tourists and old people, and generally lack places to pass. You have to chill out and go with the flow. The few crazies that insist on passing around curves and such always end up right in front of you at the south end of the county. They risk their lives and every one else's to gain one or two car positions. Tom
i generally work 55 hours a week or more. i'm traveling tues through thursday, and most of it is interstate travel at 70+ mph.
I had a guy tail me hard yesterday but not because I was going slow but because he was in a rush. So when we got to a red light and he was behind me I stopped my car and waited a good 2-3 minutes and wasted his time. Also I disagree with not looking at the driver as they pass you. My favorite thing to do is smile and wave at them as they pass! Then they never get the upper hand. LOL Maybe I'm just hardcore like that.
The back of the Prius is one of my favorite angles of the car. Perhaps they just want a closer look while they ogle?
Thanks for the reply That is still a good 28 hours. Wow. Is that 55 hours total or plus the driving? Just curious, nothing more.
Get a Bumper Sticker that reads, " At Least Behind a Prius You Breathe Easier !" It usually annoys them so much they pass you. Not Fair ! If I Tailgate You I'd Choke To Death
If you are driving the speed limit, Nothing. Don't antagonize by slowing down. It is most definately not worth it. Stay in right lane on multilane roads unless you are acutally passing. If someone is physically threatening you in any way, call the police or highway patrol. Most jurisidictions take aggressive driving seriously. I'm not saying cower and be a p***y. Don't get sucked into road ragers personal problems that they take out on others.
Never brake to discourage tailgaters...that is actually very dangerous for both the tailgater and you! It's also called a Brake Job...
Once, late at night and very dark, going into a small town I found myself being tailgated. The guy was right on my bumper. I refused to speed up over the 30 mph limit. I made a turn down a side road going out of town, he made a turn right with me, on my bumper. I still refused to go faster than the now 25mph. He followed that way for a mile. Until the edge of town. When he made his u-turn. Then I saw that it was the local law enforcement official. I wonder what would have happened if I sped up.
This thread actually reinforces the stereotype that Prius drivers are slow. I guess there are BMW sites with threads like "What to do about slow traffic that gets in your way"