Not all of us do so well. I have had my 07 Prius for 39 months and I keep very careful records, not only of mileage, but of all aspects of service, etc. My calculated lifetime mpg for the entire 39 months is 42.38. I can do pretty well when I am by myself, but when my wife is with me she has to have the AC blasting about as cold as it will go, and even though it is electrically driven, the power to do it has to come from somewhere. I am not complaining, the lifetime mileage for my 05 Avalon that I have had for 62 months is only 22.51.
Really needs more than 1 year since the mileage is impacted so much by cold weather. I bought the Prius end of December 2009. Our winter and spring were unusually mild so I wouldn't be surprised if I average at least 2mpg higher than normal over 12 months. How did the weather compare to the average over the last year?
Currently at average of 52 mpg (for the past 2 months). Looking for ways to improve to get to 60 (likely won't happen), and ways to improve mpg when going up hills or inclines.
In the mild So. California climate, we had always averaged at least 52 MPG (display) per tank since we got our 2010 Prius in December, with several tanks as high as 58 MPG. Since the arrival of summer demands regular use of air-conditioning during the same commute, our average mileage has dropped to 46.5, 48.5 & 51 MPG, respectively for the last three tankfuls. Others have reported that the actual mileage (odometer miles driven on a full tank, divided by gallons required to refill the tank to full) is five to 10 percent below that indicated on the display. We have always relied on the displayed MPG and have not logged this information. Nevertheless, our average displayed mileage during ownership is above 50 MPG. Applying a five to 10 percent deduction for display error, I estimate that our MPG during ownership is slightly below to slightly above, yet near, 50 MPG.
well i got mine in May of last year, so have had it a week short of 13 months. i average closer to 10% difference, but still getting better than a "real" 50 mpg and on first summer formula gas tank, so should be hitting 55 + mpg now
50.2mpg average for the last 1900 miles. Sure I can get higher MPG for short-runs like 100-300 miles, but overall MPG is at 50.2.
Third tank down - averaging around 56 displayed, 54 calculated. Best tank was 60 displayed, but I "granny-drove" some that tank. Spring-summer only, but certainly 55 or so seems pretty easy to get. Guess that'll drop when winter returns.
11,627 miles since March 20th, calculated average so far is 51.3 mpg. This includes a 5,700 mile road trip to San Antonio, TX from Vermont the day after we picked the new III up.