Futher to my last posting in this subject back in April, I finally purchased 5 x 1 lit. bottle of Toyota 0W20 Synthetic Motor Oil at CAD$5.23/bottle. (5 Lit. can is also available for about $1 less.) Since Moble One 0W20 is not so commonly available, I am posting the Toyota brochure here for all to see. The P/N on the invoice is C0BBB-OOW20-0L. The bottle does say Synthetic and the price is very reasonable. I will stick to this one from now on.
Purely from the shape of the bottle, I'd say that's the 'old' Toyo brand made by Eneos, and not the 'new' Toyo brand made by Mobil. Either way, I wouldn't fret about the availability of M1...I've come to believe that either of the Toyo-branded oils are just as good..until XOM re-formulates their own. I changed my OE fill at 1000miles, and went w/ the M1. My research in the interim has convinced me to go back to the Toyo label. I bought 20qts of the old 'red bottle' from my local dealer @ $6 ea OTD.....I'd say you got a good deal on a L..........
I checked with Canadian Tires and their price on the Quaker State 0W20 Full Synthetic. It is CAD$12+ per liter bottle. So the Toyota one at half the price of the QS is a bargain to me.
Probably doesn't matter too much to me as long as it is "Toyota approved". FYI, the bottom of the bottle says: Made in Canada, Patent 57380, Canada Patent No. 1-196-586 (P.S. the number 1 could be letter I.) I googled the number but nothing came out.
Starting in the 2011 model year eh.... My service technician said 2010 according to the memo (and I believe the technician not because our 2010 Prius uses it but chances are, it's also in the 2011 Sienna and 2010 4Runner)