Citgo They give 40% heating oil discounts to 1 million low income Americans. Not a mega corporation. Doesnt fund middle eastern terrorists.
Not just no, but H**L NO! [ame=""]Citgo[/ame] is a wholly owned subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, [ame=""]Hugo Chavez[/ame]'s national oil company. Chavez has been linked to funding of terrorism outside the Middle East, such as FARC in Columbia. And don't forget my earlier reply. If he wants to spend his money to give me below-market-price product, I'll take it. But I'm not going to contribute to his profit.
This spill exceeds the Valdez multiple times over. BP will get their booty spanked, as they should. There are some professions where accidents are inexcusable, and this is one of them. This is not a matter of forgetting to leave the tomatoes off the burger, this is a matter of erasing entire industries along our Gulf Coast States. This is a matter of destroying some of the most pristine beaches in our country. And the wetlands of Louisiana have had a tough enough time in the last few decades without BP's help. The wetlands in LA help shield the State from storm surges like Katrina. We have yet to feel the full impact of this spill, and it will remain on BP's corporate conscience for years to come, just as the Valdez did for Exxon.
I've been gone a few days, have we found a boogey man to blame yet so that we can continue our oil addiction without another thought ?
You've expanded beyond my original, and only, point. And you're assigning beliefs to me that do not logically follow from that point. Never mind, OK?
i guess i need to rewrite my post if you think that i am in favor of boycotting BP... i am in favor of boycotting gasoline. i really dont care if it comes from our own backyard or if we destroyed some other poor soul's backyard halfway around the world. i dont care if its our lax regulations that allow companies to ignore safety standards or if its some other "3rd world" country that we took advantage of because they have bribes instead of regulations. i have a bad habit of putting in statistics and thinking the inference is obvious. as far as the reference to the 40+ (actually its 43) people killed that is from the ABC News Special. i do remember the Texas City Refinery explosion as i do have distant relatives who were greatly affected by the tragedy, but whether its 40 people or 4 people, i do know it only took one person to really make an impact. so we can boycott the above mentioned and screw over independent station owners that probably could not give a rat's nice person who provided them the gas since most do not have a clue anyway. then after that we can boycott the government that allowed BP to continue to operate after being cited for 980 major safety violations. then after that we can boycott the entities that took our money and wasted it on frivolous expenses while leaving other vital services too broke to operate effectively then after that we can move off the grid and live in the forrest, since there will be nothing left to be associated with
Even a casual wiki read tells you what kind of link there is between Chavez and FARC. Ofcource, US has always found it so easy to demonize people they don't like by labelling them communists/torrorists - like they did to Nelson Mandela. BTW, sucessive American administrations are directly linked to Islamic fundamentalists like Osama Bin Laden. CIA funded Osama and his ilk during Afghan war. If you fund a snake pit - one of these days the snakes will bite you.
I take it for granted that all the oil deposits are eventually going to be pumped dry. So the only real variable is how to do it with the least damage. The deep dependence on oil is only going to shift once the economics force the shift. I really hate that this is the only method that will work, but I don't see any other.
Because? They were blatantly ignoring safety regulations and standard operating procedures. If I hypothetically 1. get drunk as hell, 2. get in my car, and 3. see how fast I can go though traffic and pedestrian-heavy areas, somehow the outcome is not totally my fault?
Let's accuse all oil companies while we are at it. Are you prepared for all possible emergencies that MIGHT happen to your household? It was an accident, a credit to the companty that they will assume all liability. It wasn't BP's Rig, BP did not build or design the oil tower. The best avenue for you is to park your car in the garage and NEVER use any oil product again! Be careful, thousands of our daily use products are made with oil, And that is the real rub, while the world is wasting billions of gallons on transportation, the oil is needed more for these other vital products.
Gulf oil spill: BP has a long record of legal, ethical violations | McClatchy lets not. despite Exxon's sullied reputation for having "had" the worst oil spill in US History, they rank #1 for adherence to safety guidelines and other than Exxon Valdez, their record reflects that. BP however, ranks as the worst far outnumbering all other oil companies combined. but once again, it takes two to tango and the US government has allowed BP to continue to operate despite multiple indictments, citations, fines, etc.
That may be the case, but it was the job of regulators to force them to comply with safety regulations, if the regulators allow them to get away, then its still not totally BP's fault for trying to get away with it. Just like your example, if you drive drunk and drive as fast as you can through traffic, and the police see you and ignore it, whose fault is it, yours or the police? The answer is actually both, but the police saw and ignored, so its mainly the police at fault.
Sorry, I don't buy into that nonsense. I bet your tune would be different if you were related to one of the 11 killed in the explosion.
Like I previous said "How can BP or any oil company drill thousands of feet into the ocean without any disaster plan?". This is now the same question Obama & Pelosi are asking BP? It's about time!
Very Interesting - Please Read Goldman Sachs sold 44% of its BP Stock, Three weeks before the Oil Rig disaster. | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul