Finally got a chance to take pics. Almost 4k miles on our 2010 Prius III - its our first Black Car - these pics were taken almost a week after it was Zaino -ed (Z-AIO + 2 layers of Z-5 Pro + Z6 + Z8 with PC) ... mile deep shine even after rains - so far no regrets buying a black car! Click here to see the slideshow: Hope this works! Click on the image to see in enlarged click-thru format.
Congrats Pooka! ..but unfortunately the pics do not show up. I tried to follow the link up no joy, try posting again or creating an album in the photo section perhaps?
Thanks Dan bo .. Hmm.. works fine in preview ... oh well hope this works: Click here to see the slideshow: Picasa Web Albums - 11587011339097554... - Toyota Prius please post if this works !
I have a black vehicle. Your Prius looks great. It reminds me that I should wax my car. From all my research and pictures I've seen such as yours it seems a Zaino process it the best way to go. But I just don't know if I'm up to a 5-8 step process. But your Prius looks great.
Love the pics Pooka and great job on the Zaino. It does take some time to apply but the results are amazing! And yes, go Alonso!!! (although I thought he would have (and still hoping) improved the pace of those Ferraris with his inputs).
Thanks for the encouraging words - love the car and its growing on me every drive! The Electric Me : I replied to your Zaino thread - I am having great luck skipping some steps of the OCD Zaino process - more so with a new car that everyone has here since we dont have to spend time in prepwork ... if you have any questions let me know. HI MPG : What a season! I was expecting Alonso to bring the famous speed boost input - but its amazing how Red Bull is so far ahead of everyone ... last race made things even more interesting I wasnt expecting team drama at RB - instead at MClaren) ... Judgeless : I will probably change the wheel setup at some point ... these were my first pics of the Prius and I wanted to keep it stock. I am also going to add the fog lights soon as well. It still amazes me why toyota decided to hide those good looking wheels. Tideland Prius : yup! As soon as i saw the black prius on the lot - it just seemed more coherent and tight compared to other colors - had ZERO intentions of buying a black car but one look changed that ...
I can see them now Pooka, looks real good! ... they can show the dirt black cars, but when all shined up there's nothing like them.. sweet. Nice effect in some of the shots as well, good photographing. Dan
Thanks. 35% thats the legal limit in Kansas. the film is SUNTEK CARBON - and looked darker than other 35% to me.
Next to Zaino, this might bet the second best solution: One Grand Blitz Wax 12 oz AutoSuperMart . com
Pictures look good to me. Nice car and you made a good choice in colour. I especially like the lines of the car without the front licence plate. Shame we have to have a plate on the front of our cars here, and they're quite big plates too