That's very generous of you, but really, you should see what you can do about restoring some balance in your life.
I really like that......but it feels a bit presumptious, you,ve given out way more kudos than I have.
Yeah, but you've been thanked a lot more than I have (% of thanks relative to post count). Probably because you're cuter.
I still think somebody should make a thread where the whole point is to thank everybody who posts in that thread.
I think it has more to do with the time period that I spent posting in fhop, spouting off about my political ideals. The people that posted in opposition to me, setting me straight, racked up a boat load for their efforts too.
nahhh....that would be no fun. if that was the case, we be we would have a half dozen moderators that would review submissions in secret. they would edit, modify and chastise each document behind closed internet doors then post the final product online. gone would be my opportunity to instantly dispute valid finding based on my flawed memory of things in my distant past. gone would be the gratitude i get when commiserating with my fellow P.C comrades about things only vaguely related to driving because no one at home really cares about anything except for the fact they dont have to spend as much money for gas as their co-workers. yep...providing useful information on this site just BARELY makes the top 10 list here
That's a great idea. Maybe it would convince Danny to eliminate thanks entirely. Or, as I suggested earlier, to charge people for the privilege of posting thankses. Oh, or allow people to post thanks, but eliminate the statistics. Hey, I actually got back to the thread topic!!! Not whether we can thank each other or not, but this whole nonsense of counting how many times each person has been thanked.
That's why this thread is called: Having stats on Thanks! Bonus : there's a poll, and multiple ways to interpret... Posting here, you WILL get thanks !!! This thread is just a few thousand posts short of awes...The Most Boring Thread.
Rules for Thank Club: 1. Do not talk about Thank Club. 2. Do NOT talk about Thank Club. 3. If the admins say "Stop", then the thread is over. 4. Thanks will go on as long as the thread is open. 5. If this is your first post in Thank Club, you HAVE to thank a post.
What makes you think anyone will obey the rules? Nobody ever does on any other thread. Of course, number 3 is a given, since the mods can close a thread. But for a proper Thank club, I think you should change number 5 to "Every time you post you must thank every post on the thread, other than the ones you have already thanked, since multiple thanks cannot be posted."
Thank five users and forward this to them. Each will thank five additional users who will then thank you in return. In only four days you will have ... (I really, really hate chain letters. I just click delete when they come in.) Tom