Oh, for Pete's sake. (Oops, no, you're Tom.) Sorry to burst your bubble, but she was pretending. Faking it!
Okay, here's a thankless job for someone: Go through the entire PC data base, and increment a user's "thanks" score every time someone made a post in which she or he said "thanks" to someone but did not hit the "Thanks" button. We used to have "points." Nobody was ever sure (except maybe Danny) how we earned points, but you could donate points. The problem with thanks is that it doesn't "cost" you anything. But you only had a limited number of points, so you had to consider carefully who to give them out to. Maybe members should be able to give out one thanks for every day they actually log onto the site. That would make them more meaningful. Or here's an idea that would also raise money for PC: In order to thank someone, you'd have to donate a dollar to the site. You could donate any amount, and have it as credit until you'd used it up in thanks.
I know, that's why I said, 'Part is there'. You asked for: In your control panel you can see what you thanked. Or did you mean something else?
Only from you Tom. Stop telling my secrets Hyo! ( Or did I tell that one... I can't remember anymore) That would be unfair to those of us with big hearts and small bank accounts. The points sound cool except with my "thankful" nature, I'd be at 0 all the time begging for points to be able to give more thanks. err..? Something like that. I'm testing your theory for ya!
Octavia was faking it? Being naked or reading? I'm okay with faking the reading part, unless we are talking about braille. Tom
It's another interpretation of the Thread Name. :grouphug: We can group hug now, we've got two nice gals aboard ! (Just missing one, she hasn't been on lately)
Providing useful information that helps others should be the focus of this site, not a quest for thanks.
I noticed that if I edit a post, it wipes out the 'thanks' previously offered. This makes sense but surprised me when I first saw it. Regardless, I'll fix my speeling and Samantics errors 'Thanks' not withstanding. <grins> Bob Wilson
Except here in Fred's House of Pancakes, where the focus is supposed to be general lunacy, and Fred's House of Politics, where the focus is supposed to be insanity. Useful information belongs in the car forums.
These thanked posts are a bit of a split personality. Sometimes I really agree with somebody, or it's a good joke, so I give a thanks even though it may not be new or useful information that helps me in any real way (for example, most any post from qbee). A lot of sites just allow you to vote up or down on a post, that could be useful to implement in a "most recommended" list. Just a side-note to the whippersnappers - the thanks feature is relatively new on PriusChat, so some of us that posted more in years past have a lot of posts and little thanks to show for it. Please don't look down on us because of it. Thank you.
OK, I got curious and checked; my post which got thanked the most is this joke post in response to another joke post.
True - it shouldn't be a contest. Think of the thanks as a way of encouraging people to provide useful information.
As I thumb through these recent posts, I notice that I give more than I get. (for you Tom). Can I be the "thanks fairy" or something cool like that?