I'm about 400 pages into the latest Stephen King book "http://www.amazon.com/Under-Dome-Novel-Stephen-King/dp/1439148503/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275504455&sr=8-1". One of the main protagonists is a woman who drives a Prius....it's mentioned several times. The main antagonist is the evil town selectman who drives a Black Hummer--it's gas guzzling mentioned more than once. I'm not far enough into this tome (almost 1100 pages), yet, to know if there is some enviromental bent to it that make the use of the Prius and Hummer even more symbolic, but am certainly beginning to think there will be. It's just the first time I've seen the Prius used like this, as a literary instrument.:first:
OK you Photoshop gurus, give us a picture of a tempted person with a tiny angel on their right in a Prius - a little demon on their left in a Hummer.
That picture wouldn't be complete without the conscience beleagured person giving both his tormenters the finger with both hands and going gratefully for a Harley with short pipes.
A Prius still burns gas, so its figure couldn't be a little angel. It would have to be a lesser evil.
I have a confession... my mother owns an H1 AND an H2... BUT BUT BUT they sit in the garage 99% of the time. (Never the less... you can't even imagine the fight we had when she bought the H2-- she bought it first. The H1 is a recent purchase.) They own their own business and she walks to the office... so if anyone has to own those... things... I prefer it the way she does it.