Auto Enginuity just calls it "automatic transmission problem" with no details. I can't find it in the maintenance manual either. Bob Wilson
It might be a false code number, I saw my ScanGaugeII's software version is 3.00 (Going to have to see about upgrading) The code came up, when the battery fan went into overdrive. The Prius, while driving, lost momentum, engine went into high rev, and could only creep along at something under 20mph. I hope it was just a false high temp error reading on the traction pack, since it didn't have the cover on, in Texas 80's+ weather, and I didn't have the A/C on.
Send me a PM. I can rent a Graham miniscanner for instrument deposit and reasonable montly charges. The other alternative is Auto Enginuity, $250+ Toyota option. Bob Wilson
Thanks, I'll send ya a note. Luckily "Knocking on Wood" the error & symptom has not returned, since I've only been making test drives when the temperature in the car is cool. Once I feel the battery pack is rejuvenated to it's best capacity, the cover will be reinstalled.