Ok on the enginer kit still being Beta status, sorry the converter went south. So is the voltage output adjustable to handle the GEN1 or GENII packs? (230 to 325V)? And I would think this is also needed to fine adjust the SOC level of the system battery would be important. So did you mod the scangauge cable yourself. or did they send you another one? Where do I call to get one? I was thinking if that is all it is, then we could just cut one of the pins out of the OBDII connector?
Hi W2co, The Enginer converter comes factory set for your car. It can be adjusted but that needs to be done with care. The Gen1 converter is set to 325v. If the Prius HV battery is below 315v, then the Enginer system puts the its preset full current into the Prius. As the Prius HV battery gets close to 325v the current drops off automatically. Again this is preset at the factory and your installer will double check it during the install. Thanks, Dan Lander
Thanks , do you remember where you called for the scangauge cable? I have looked somewhat but have not found where to call. Plenty of places to buy a scangauge tho.. The BtA values I have for Gen1's are: 82D5F101A3 044185A3 2810 0001000AFB00 Bta I haven't tested this one yet, it supposedly will not work along with SOC which I always have. Ok on the 325V yes thanks I totally forgot, Gen1's are higher voltage than Gen2. My mistake, but when the 03' needs anew hv battery, will probably go with one of those reconditioned packs (w/Gen2 cells), then after that maybe an enginer 4kw kit for the mileage boost. But you know the Gen1 was not designed for prolonged EV, it's more for hybrid mode and must run the ice often. This doesn't bother me at all and it will take care of itself as long as you can adjust the output of enginer not to overcharge the system pack, and to disconnect as soon as it becomes a charge strain to the system converter, this is the area I am not sure how the enginer handles this. Being that it has a voltage converter - an output only not an input, Plug it in to charge of course, but how does the car handle regen charging when this is in parallel? I totally agree with a scangauge you can monitor soc which is the most reliable battery charge measurement, a MUST for any PHEV conversion.
hi here is the site I used to get in touch with them I think I called them and talked to a tech. ScanGaugeII - Contact Linear-Logic The main problem with the enginer kit is charging the batteries without overcharging some of the cells the BMS cant keep up with the charger and the BMS is only balancing 8 cells so I literally babysit them with a baby monitor in the garage so I can hear the BMS beeping. Jack is working on a solution on that and I believe he is now supplying 5000watt converters. with his package. I hope that is what he is sending me. I am going to try the new code for the Bta on the scangauge tonight.
Yes, the Enginer system does this today. I installed a 4k system in a Gen1, and it works great. The operator turns the system on after turning the car to ready and leaves it on until the 4k Enginer cells are depleted. No need to do anything in between. The Prius HV batteries and the Enginer cells are completely independent. The Prius will go with the ICE on or off the same as before. Regen is the same as before. The thing that the Enginer system does is to recharge the Prius HV battery on the fly. So the Prius get better mileage because the Prius HV battery is always at a higher SOC. You can install the Enginer now if you want and then replace the Prius HV battery later. The Enginer system will work the same. When you replace the Gen1 HV battery with Gen2 cells you still put in the higher number of cells and run the Gen1 at the higher voltage. So there is no need to wait. Thanks, Dan
This issue has been corrected. The new BMS from Enginer is in the process of being beta tested by trusted customers who can collect data and give good feedback. If you want an upgrade contack Jack. Thanks, Dan
Hi rickw, I've not seen my Bta value over 100 in my usual commute, so I scaled it down to -99.9 to 999.9. I wanted the precision of the added decimal place. In your case, it could be your charging current has already exceeded -99.9, that's why you 're seeing weird values. I suggest you change the scale to this: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 0 XGauge TXD RXF RXD MTH NAME Notes 1 HV Battery Current 82D5F101A3 044105A3 2810 00010064FF80 Bta +/- XXX A
Thanks rickw - I contacted them today and they are sending the cable. And thanks vincent1449p I'll add that to my Gen1 xgauge list.
I plugged in my ScanGuage II into the 2001 Prius, It gave the codes 3006 & 3021 immediately, and when the battery cooling fan went into overdrive it displayed the code of 1800. You don't want to drive the car, and clear the codes that's for sure with the gauge, it did some weird stuff (heard relays clicking in several places) and once killed the engine.
Thanks Vincent That worked great I can stay on battery up to 30amps on the Bta then the ICE will start. I am also able to view Bta and soc at the same time with no complications also have the scan rate set at high. Now I will have a lot more information to help manage the enginer pack when I get the converter.
That's good news! As long as none of the 4 displayed gauges have the same TXD values, there shouldn't be any problem displaying simultaneously.
"I am also able to view Bta and soc at the same time with no complications also have the scan rate set at high" That's pretty cool rick, I will have to try this now..
I 've added btV, MG1 & MG2 RPM to the list. btV is not easy to find. I was expecting a 2 bytes value since a byte can only display 0x00~0xFF or 0V~255V. After testing many 2 bytes values, none seems to look close to the HV Battery voltage. So I started to look at a single byte value. The value at [D1] seems promising but it is only about 1/2 the voltage. I tried to multiply the value by 2 and divide by 19 so as to compare to a block voltage. The resulted value moves very closely with a single block voltage and is within the highest and lowest block voltage. So I think this is the correct PID. M2R is proportional to the vehicle speed and changes sign when moving in reverse. The value at [C2] seems to fit the criteria. It is about 36.7 times the vehicle speed in kmh (about 36.7*1.609=59.05 in mph).Untitled M1R will be -2.6*M2R when ICE=0. I changed the MTH of M2R to multiply by 26 (0x1A) and divide by 10 (0x0A) and compare the value. The value at [C4] is a match. So I think this PID is also correct.
Thanks Vincent, so noted, and thanks Rick, I got the new cable this week and all works good now with the 03', no more unplugging and plugging in again. Works like a charm.
Could you ohm out the cables and share the difference? I suspect the AE spike that triggers the false codes is due to loading of one or more of the other signal or voltage lines. It may be that isolating say the B+ could eliminate the problem of throwing false codes. Bob Wilson
Good idea Bob, I will have to sit down w/both cables and buzz them out. I don't have the car during the week -mostly late week or weekends. Will do this soon and post. Tom
After looking up GEN2 Xgauges, now I understand what both you and rickw are saying. Both Bta and Soc for GEN2 are using the same TXD so can't be displayed at the same time. I note there is also a passive CAN request for Soc, I wonder if anyone tried it together with Bta? I'm also interested to know the difference on the new cable. I've checked mine but all 8 lines are connected. Pls refer to attached RJ45 to J1962 pinout.
Hi Vincent, I have tried both BTA and SOC(passive) on the 06 GEN2 and it doesn't work either. SOC just stays blank. I think it was tested on an 05 but I wouldn't think there is much difference between an 05 and an 06, both being can bus. But maybe there is a difference after all.. I still don't have the 03 back here yet, but later this week I will get the pinout of both cables and post them here. Thanks for your "attached RJ45 to J1962 pinout" it will be handy for comparison for sure. Tom
Your sketch shows pin 14 tied to "CAN low." The Toyota Maintenance Manual calls pin 14 "Ts" and it is used to "clear codes" when tied to ground. This may be the signal that spikes the NHW11. Bob Wilson