Hi everyone, please forgive me for this silly question that may have a very obvious answer but for the life of me I can't find it. I have looked in this forum as well as Googled it and I can't find an answer. I received my license plates but I can't figure out how to attach the front ones. The holes of the license plate do not match the "dimples" in my car. The dimples match the holes in the license plate frame but then they get covered by the plate itself. Am I supposed to drill the plate as well? Then I have this rather ugly looking brackets in the front where the license plate holes go, All I got was the frame and two bolts, did I get an incomplete kit? Honestly, I feel like not installing the license plate in the front, I have always done it but then again all my cars have come with the frame already installed. I don't want to mess up my Prius. However, here in CA it is the law and since I already have my front windows semi-dark (35%) I don't want to be stopped for one and then get a ticket for the other. It is a fix it ticket I believe. I have seen a few cars around here without a front plate but I guess is ok until you get caught, right? So what am I supposed to do? Drill the plate? Try to find out if I am missing parts? Be a rebel and not install it at all? Help please Luis
I have a big black ugly mount thing on the front. That attaches to the bumper, then the plate attaches to that. Are you saying your bumper is free of any attachment, just all body colour? If so, you need this ugly black piece. FYI, this is not my picture, I stole it from the web.
Thank you, I do have that big black ulgy mount thing, that is what I can't figure out how to attach it to the car. The mount thing has two holes that match the dimples in my bumper but then when I put the license plate in between the mount thing and the bumper it covers the holes. So am I supposed to drill the license plate? The mount thing has some metal clips that match the license plate holes but not the dimples. I am confused. Luis
I would go to the dealer and have them put it on. As far as I know if your state requires it, the Toyota dealership should be required to supply it. Dont drill anything until you source that plate. It will look odd I think without the ugly thing since the bumper isnt flush. In the meantime I have seen people ziptie the plate through the grill. Yeah it looks hideous, but no permanent damage until you get the proper mount.
Predrill the front bumper at the dimples with a drill about half the diameter of the bolts provided with the bracket. Attach the bracket with these bolts to the bumper(thickest side up). The top of the license plate then bolts or screws to the top-front side of the bracket. These bolts weren't provided with my bracket. I put another frame over the plate to dress it up.:thumb:
I agree, let the dealer do it . That said, having just had the opposite problem (removed mine), there are 4 holes along the top of the black base...I believe the outside holes are for the wider screws that hold it to the bumper and are what you drill for; the inside holes are what the metal clips fit over and are what you attach the plate to. Be careful with the plate screws as if you screw too far they will remove paint from the bumper, in addition to the holes you drill.
No, the license plate is not in the middle of the sandwich. The order is: bumper, mounting frame, license plate.
Oooooooh!!!! Man I feel dumb now, the license plate goes on TOP of the black frame. I was putting it in between the frame and the bumper, no wonder the plate was covering the holes. :doh: Thank you so much all of you. By the way, good idea on the frame on top of it to dress it up. My dealer gave me a Prius metal frame as a gift when I purchased the car, I shall use that. Luis
Go back to the dealer...... they will help you. We are a two state plate also. I had the dealer install the bracket the my plates. I did modify them later with chrome trim and mounting bolts with chrome caps.
I did go back to the dealer today, they installed it for me and while I was there I asked them to disable the reverse beeping. :clap2: Thank you to everyone. Luis
Mounting the plastic bracket and using the self tapping screws they provide damages the bumper, and then the plate holder covers the damage. I painted mu black plastic plate holder to match the white car. You might want to do that so the whole assembly looks like it belongs on the car.
Honestly I did not know you had done that but I did want to look into painting the frame white basing it in you painting the mud flaps. That made me think: "What if I paint the frame white?" I will try it this weekend. Luis